OP5110-5120 Analog In

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OP5110-5120 Analog In




The OP5110-5120 Analog In block is an analog-to-digital block for the OP512x family of boards, formerly named OPHSDIO boards. [No bitstreams are presently available with the Analog Input feature for the OP5110 boards]

The setup for A/D conversion consists in one or several A/D modules (OP5320 modules), installed on a carrier (OP5220 carrier, or 'passive' carrier), connected via40-pin cables to the 40-pin internal connectors of an OP5110 PCI board. The 40-pin connectors are labeled JP3 to JP6.

Each of the JP3 to JP6connectors typically drives one A/D module, that can be installed either on slot A or on slot B of a passive carrier. Since the firstOP5110 bitstreams did support only theJP4 connector for A/D conversions, the initial block layout referred to the carrier slot A or B for returning A/D data values to the model. Starting with RT-LAB v7.2, some bitstreams support more than one JPxconnector, and thus more than one A/D module, so the block layout was changed in order to refer directly to the JPx connector instead of the module location on one carrier. The 'card type' mask parameter(see below) automatically deactivates the mask items related to theJPx connectors which are not available for driving an A/D module for the selected bitstream.

Hardware synchronizationSince the A/D conversions are started at the beginning of the calculation step, the OP5110-5120 Analog Input block must be used in conjunction with an OP5110-5120 OpSync block, and the model must be run in Hardware Synchronized mode. Otherwise, the OP5110-5120 Analog Input block outputs return all 0s.
Control of the output connectorThe OP511x boards have two sets of connectors: 4 on-board 40pinconnectors, and 2 external 80-pin connectors. The selection of the connectors is done by the choice of the Connector parameter of the OP5110-5120 OpSync block. However, the block layout always refer to the JP3-JP6 nomenclature for the module selection. The OP5110 board User Manual gives the equivalence between the IO lines on the JP3-JP6internal connectors and the JP2 external connectors.


Target environmentSelect between RT-LAB and xPC Target.
Card Type

Select the board type in this list. Each entry of the list specifies a board number,a device ID, and when applicable, the former name of the board. The device ID of the board selected must match a board installed on the target computer otherwise an error is returned.

On a Red Hat system, the deviceID of a board is specified in the name of the bitstream programmed in this board.

On a xPC Target, the device ID is obtained with the command getxpcpci all.

PCI slot (-1:autosearch)

This option is only available for xPC Target environment.

If only one OP5110 board is present in the xPC target PC, enter


to automatically locate the board.

If two or more boards of this type are in the target PC, enter the bus number and the PCI slot number of the board associated with this driver block.Use the format [BusNumber, SlotNumber]. To determine the bus number and thePCI slot number, in the MATLAB command window, type:

getxpcpci all

Board indexEnter the board index of the card [see board index limitations in the characteristics section below]
ADC connected to JP3Check this box if the JP3 connector is connected to an A/D module.
Selection of channel[0 ..15]Enter the vector of channel numbers, from the A/D module connected to JP3, to be monitored by this block. The channel numbers, in the range [0-15], can be entered in any order and must appear only once in the list.
ADC connected to JP4Check this box if the JP4 connector is connected to an A/D module.
Selection of channel[0 ..15]Enter the vector of channel numbers, from the A/D module connected to JP4, to be monitored by this block. The channel numbers, in the range [0-15], can be entered in any order and must appear only once in the list.
ADC connected to JP5Check this box if the JP5 connector is connected to an A/D module.
Selection of channel[0 ..15]Enter the vector of channel numbers, from the A/D module connected to JP5, to be monitored by this block. The channel numbers, in the range [0-15], can be entered in any order and must appear only once in the list.
ADC connected to JP6Check this box if the JP6 connector is connected to an A/D module.
Selection of channel[0 ..15]Enter the vector of channel numbers, from the A/D module connected to JP6, to be monitored by this block. The channel numbers, in the range [0-15], can be entered in any order and must appear only once in the list.
Sample Time (s)see definition.


This block has no inputs.


This block has up to 4 outputs: JP3_vals, JP4_vals, JP5_vals, and JP6_vals.

Each JPx_vals output appears only if the corresponding 'ADC module connected to JPx' checkbox is available for the selected card type', and if it is checked.

At each time step, each output returns the data acquired from the channels of its corresponding A/D module. The values returned are in volts.

Characteristics and Limitations

Board Index Limitations

On the PCI boards (OP511x family), the board index is user-selectable in the range [12-15], via the jumpers JP8 on the board:

Connector Pin Assignments

OP5110 boards usually ship with custom-made cables adapted to the signal conditioning required by the system they are to be connected to. Please refer to the documentation of your system for your specific connector pin assignment. If you need to prepare your own custom cable, please refer to the connector pin assignment table.

Deactivation of stored calibration values

For debugging purpose, it is possible to bypass the application of the EEPROM-stored calibration values by setting the user variableOPHSDIO_AIN_NOCALIB to ON. To reenable the calibration, remove the user variable.

Direct FeedthroughNo
Discrete sample timeNo
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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