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Run an RT-LAB command for a certain RT-Lab object.
See the OP_COMMAND enumeration for a complete list of available commands and their specific requirements.

Required Control

Specific to each command, see OP_COMMAND


outputId = RtlabApi.Command (ownerId, command, attributes, values)


  • ownerId: The ID of the object that owns the command. Where there is ambiguity, the owner of the two objects is the expected ID. For example, CMD_REMOVE: when the owner is a project, the command removes a model.

  • command: The command to be executed (see OP_COMMAND).

  • attributes: The tuple of attributes to send as command arguments (see OP_ATTRIBUTE). The size of the tuple must match the size of the attributeValues tuple.

  • values: The tuple of attribute values to send as command arguments. The size of the tuple must match the size of the attributes tuple.


  • outputId: The ID corresponding to the object directly affected by the command. If no other object than the parent is affected, the parent ID is returned.

Return Value

  • EOK: Success.

  • EBADF: Unsupported ownerId.

  • EINVAL: Invalid arguments specified.

  • EIO: Error sending the request or receiving the reply.

  • ENOMEM: Error allocation memory for request or reply.



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import RtlabApi

Example code

import sys import RtlabApi RtlabApi.OpenProject("CommandTest") target_id = RtlabApi.FindObjectId(RtlabApi.OP_TYPE_TARGET, "test") timeout = 2000 target_cmd_arg = (RtlabApi.ATT_VALUE, RtlabApi.ATT_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION) target_cmd_val = ("uname -a", True) RtlabApi.RegisterDisplay(RtlabApi.DISPLAY_REGISTER_ALL) RtlabApi.Command(target_id, RtlabApi.CMD_EXECUTE, target_cmd_arg, target_cmd_val) result = '' done = '' while not done: done, _, tmp = RtlabApi.DisplayInformation(timeout) result = result + tmp print(result)


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