EOK: Success.
ENOENT: No such file or directory.
EPERM: System control requested, but already given to another client.
EBUSY: Node busy (another subsystem already loaded on it).
EBADF: Model not specified by previous Connect or OpenProject.
E2BIG: More than 1 acquisition group found for simulation without data.
EINVAL: Invalid Time Factor value or invalid model path.
EACCES: Trying to load a Dinamo model with more than one subsystem (currently not supported).
EIO: Error sending the request or receiving the reply.
ENOMEM: Memory allocation error.
ESRCH: Model instance id not found.
OP_API_EBAD_PHYS_NODE: A subsystem is not assigned to a physical node or is assigned to an invalid physical node.
OP_API_EBAD_CONFIG: Error reading configuration file or invalid setting found in the configuration file.
OP_API_EBAD_DEV_ENV: Could not get the target development node.
OP_API_MODEL_IO_TIMEOUT: Timed out waiting for a reply from the model.
OP_API_MODEL_IO_ERROR: Model is missing some or all processes or subsystems.
OP_API_ENO_NODE_LICENSE: Not enough licenses (number of model's subsys is greater than the number of available node licenses).
OP_API_ENO_TARGET_LICENSE: No license for selected target.
OP_API_ENO_RTCOMM_LICENSE: No license for selected real time communication.
OP_API_ENO_TARGET_MULT_LICENSE: No license for multiprocessing.
OP_API_ENO_DINAMO_LICENSE: No license for dinamo.
OP_API_ENO_POLLING_LICENSE: No license for XHP mode.
OP_API_ERR_LOAD_EMBEDDED: Model's instance Id is reserved for embedded mode.
OP_API_ERR_LOAD_CALC_STEP: Calculation step is invalid (usually <= 0).
OP_API_EBAD_SIGNAL: At least one signal (id or element) is not found.
OP_API_ENO_DYN_SIGNAL: Trying to set dynamic signals for an acquisition group that is not set to accept some.