RTE-Drive 2-Level TSB

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RTE-Drive 2-Level TSB


RTE-Drive Power Electronics


NOTE: This TSB is now obsolete. It is now replaced by a new TSB block with high-impedance capability located in ARTEMiS (in artemis/Tools /Custom Models/TSB).


The RTE-Drive 2-Level Time Stamped Bridge (TSB) block implements a 2-level (2-switch) bridge for which the gates are controlled by RTE Boolean signals. The number of arms in parallel can be selected from 1 to 3. The bridge models IGBT/GTO/MOSFET devices controlled by an ideal switch with their anti-parallel diode. The following figure presents the equivalent electrical circuit of the RTE-Drive TSB 2- Level block.

Equivalent Electrical Circuit of the RTE-Drive 2-Level TSB Block

The switch model is simulated as a resistor Ron and a DC voltage source Vf, connected in series with a switch. The switch is controlled by the gate signal g.

When the upper switch or upper anti-parallel diode conducts, the Vabc output equals the Vdc input (minus internal voltage drops). When the lower switch or diode of the leg conducts, the Vabc output is equal to 0 (plus internal voltage drops). This load, that has a voltage-input current-output causality (like an inductance), outputs a current which in fed to the Iabc input.

The Idc output is computed from all the upper switches or diodes conduction times.


RTE-Drive 2-Level TSB Mask


Number of bridge arms

The number of arms of the bridge.

Voltage output data type

Select the data type of the outputted voltage:

  • When Simulink double is selected the output is the average voltage of the last calculation step. Moreover, the output can be directly connected to Simulink blocks.
  • When SimPowerSystem PM is selected the output is the average voltage of the last calculation step. Moreover, the output can be directly connected to SimPowerSystem blocks.


Internal resistance of the selected device, in ohms

Forward voltage Vf

Forward voltage, in volts (V), across the device when it is conducting.

Maximum number of events

The maximum number of events or transitions that the block consider during the simulation. Over this number, events are ignored and do not affect the output.


The following table presents the input signals of the block when the voltage output data type parameter is Simulink.

Pulses (RTE Boolean)

RTE Boolean signals that controlled the switch gates. 1 signal per arm. A signal value of 1 indicates the switch is conducting, while a value of zero indicates the switch is OFF.

Vdc (Double)

Voltage of the DC-link.


Current outputted in the load.

The following table presents the input signals of the block when the voltage output data type parameter is SimPowerSystems.

Pulses (RTE Boolean)

RTE Boolean signals that controlled the switch gates. 1 signal per arm. A signal value of 1 indicates the switch is conducting, while a value of zero indicates the switch is OFF.

dc + (SPS)

Positive DC-link.

dc - (SPS)

Negative DC-link


The following table presents the input signals of the block when the voltage output data type parameter is Simulink.

Vabc (Double,
RTE Double)

The voltage at the middle point of the bridge which feeds the load. The signal data type depends on the output data type parameter.

Idc (Double)

Current of the DC-link.

The following table presents the input signals of the block when the voltage output data type parameter is SimPowerSystems.

A, B, C (SPS)

The A, B, and C connectors at the middle point of the bridge which feeds the load.


Direct Feedthrough


Sample Time

Inherited and fixed discrete.

Work offline





Absence of switch gate signals

The block is not accurate when simulating the effect of completely shutting off all IGBT gate pulses, like in emergency shutdown for example. This has the effect of letting the anti-parallel diode turn on/off naturally, a case for which the Time-Stamped Bridge is not designed.

Input to output delay

Since RT-EVENTS version 3.3.x, optimizations in Time-Stamp Bridges have been made to reduce the input to output delay due to Simulink-SPS interfacing. This optimization does concern the TSB when the Output Data Type parameter is SimPowerSystems.

Because the Time-Stamp Bridge has a switching function for which the outputs are directly dependant on the inputs, algebraic loops need to be broken when connecting it in the SimPowerSystems mode, which is obtained through forcing single time-step delays at the input(s) or the output(s) of the model. The optimization implies the displacement of the simulation delays from the output AC voltage(s) and DC current(s) to the input DC voltage(s) and AC current. This modification allows for better simulation of a strong majority of applications where a constant voltage is found on the DC bus(ses) (or the time constant of the DC voltage is small compared to the time step), due to a fixed voltage source or control actions.


The following figures present a simple 2-level chopper circuit and its Simulink implementation. Refer to the rte_2level_chopper.mdl example file. The IGBT is driven at a fixed frequency of 10kHz and the simulation time step is 10 μs. The upper part of the Simulink model is the time-stamped bridge implementation of the chopper while the bottom part is the SimPowerSystem implementation.

2-Level Chopper Circuit

Simulink Implementation of the 2-Level Chopper Circuit

With those parameters, the duty cycle of the chopper has been scanned, that is the ratio of the upper IGBT conduction time by the chopper frequency. The following figure shows the result of scanning the duty-cycle of the chopper for the time-stamping technique vs. SimPowerSystem block set technique. While both techniques have the same response at 0.1 μs simulation time step, they differ a lot at 10 μs: Simscape Power Systems exhibits strong non-linearity (red curve) while the time-stamped bridge model is still linear (blue curve). The time-stamped bridge is as precise as reference simulations made at 0.1 μs.

Current Load versus Duty Cycle of the 2-Level Chopper Circuit

Note: the rte_dc_dc_converter.mdl, rte_dc_ac_inverter.mdl and rte_dc_ac_3ph_inverter.mdl models demonstrate how to realize DC-DC converter, and DC-AC Inverter using RT-EVENTS.

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