Surge Arrester

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Surge Arrester

This block implements the model of a metal-oxide varistor (MOV) also called a surge arrester, typically used as protection against overvoltages for electrical equipment. The nonlinear nature of the MOV V-I curve is approximated by a piecewise linear function made up of up to 17 V-I points, including the zero point.

The model consists of a controlled current source in parallel with an RC snubber. The value of the generated current is determined by the voltage measured across it, which is then sent to a lookup table that has the V-I data points mentioned above.

Parameters (Current-voltage table mode)


The current voltage characteristics input mode


The current voltage lookup table file

RsnSnubber resistance (Ω)
CsnSnubber capacitance (F)

Parameter constraints (Current-voltage table mode)

For the current voltage parameters file, such constraints apply :

  • A minimum of 3 points and a maximum of 17 points for the current breakpoints and voltage values.
  • The same number of points for the current breakpoints and voltage values.
  • The voltage values need to be monotonically increasing

Parameters (k and alpha parameters mode)

The calculation of those data points is based on the MOV protection voltage (Vref), the reference current (Iref) and the number of columns (metal-oxide discs of the MOV). Then three exponential segments of the curve are calculated with the parameters 

. The default values for the latter two parameters are chosen to fit the average V-I characteristics of MOV manufacturers. Therefore, based on the parameters listed here, 17 data points (including zero) are calculated with the following equations.

  • The V-I characteristic of the curve: 

  • The current values at the transition points between segments 1 to 2 and 2 to 3:


where Nc is the number of columns.

IVcThe current voltage characteristics input mode
Vref (V)

The protection voltage of the Surge Arrester block, in peak volts (V)


The number of metal-oxide disc columns; the minimum is one

Iref (A)The reference current of one column used to specify the protection voltage, in peak amperes (A)
Segment 1 Characteristics
k1k1 value in the equations
𝛼1𝛼1 value in the equations
Segment 2 Characteristics
k2k2 value in the equations
𝛼2𝛼2 value in the equations
Segment 3 Characteristics
k3k3 value in the equations
𝛼3𝛼3 value in the equations
RsnSnubber resistance (Ω)
CsnSnubber capacitance (F)

Parameter constraints (k and alpha parameters mode)

By design, such 2 constraints apply :

  • 𝛼1 > 𝛼2 > 𝛼3
  • k1 < k2 > k3

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