PSS/E | Importing a Network

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PSS/E | Importing a Network

This document shows the steps of importing a PSS/E model into HYPERSIM.

Step 1 - Create a new HYPERSIM model

  • Select New from File tab, then create a HYPERSIM file.

  • Select the desired folder and choose the file name, then Save it.

Step 2 - Import the PSS/E model

  • The PSS/E import feature can be found in the Network Import tool from the HYPERSIM Ribbon Options under the Network section.


  • Select the *.raw file from PSS/E option and Import it.


To import a PSS/E model into HYPERSIM, it is necessary to provide the path to the *.raw file in the designated "File" text field. Alternatively, users can utilize the browse option located on the right-hand side of the field for file selection.

For importing the dynamic data, the *.dyr file must bear the identical name as the *.raw file. The system automatically selects any other files within the same directory that share the same name.

While it is possible to import a model using only a *.raw file, without an accompanying *.dyr file, it is not possible to import solely a *.dyr file.


The PSS/E Network Import operation generates a set of reports, which are useful, among other things, for:

  • Identifying any ignored or unsupported components.

  • Assist OPAL-RT in the identification of the cause of potential conversion issues.

For more details on these reports see Network Import Reports.


Replace machines by sources

If activated, this option replaces all machines with ideal voltage sources.

Group machines with controls

This feature merges the machines and their controllers into a subcircuit.


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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