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Load Flow | Configuration of Components
This document starts with some background and general theory in the aim of giving the user more knowledge when solving load flow. But its chief purpose is to describe how various components are involved in load flow analysis.
HYPERSIM calculates the load flow automatically by taking the required inputs from the circuit defined using the HYPERSIM GUI.
Technical Background
The power-flow problem is the computation of voltage magnitude and phase angle at each bus in a power system under balanced three-phase .
From the single-line diagram of a N-bus power system, an N*N admittance matrix Y can be constructed:
Diagonal elements Yii = sum of admittances connected to bus i;
Off-diagonal elements Yij = - (sum of admittances connected between buses i and j)
Using Y, we can write nodal equations for a power system network:
I: the N vector of source currents injected into each bus;
V: the N vector of bus voltages.
For any specific bus ‘i’, the complex power delivered to it will be: