Step 4: Configuring the Execution Time

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Step 4: Configuring the Execution Time

Exporting from Simulink generates a User-Coded Model (UCM) definition file (.def), thus making it possible to use additional functionalities that are not available in Simulink directly. One of the most important ones is setting up the Execution Time used by the task mapper to optimize the distribution of tasks on available cores. This is especially necessary in large power systems where multiple copies of Simulink models are used and when the Simulink model itself is complex, thus potentially leading to dozens or hundreds of microseconds that need to be efficiently distributed.

  1. Right-click on the newly imported component and select UCM / Edit (UcmBuilder)

  2. In the General tab of the UCM Builder, edit the Execution Time, then save and close the UCM Builder.
    It's important to consider that for the task mapping algorithm this value is divided by the Processor performance found in the Simulation Settings menu. A small overhead is also added for every UCM.

  3. Right-click on UCM component again, then select Update. This will apply the newly set Execution Time to this instance of the component.

  4. You can now verify in the Task Manager that the value has been updated (Execution Time / Processor performance + Overhead = 85 us / 8.5 + 0.16 = 10.16 us).

  5. Everything is now set, the import is complete, you can start your simulation.

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