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UCM Builder | User Interface

On this page:

The UCM Builder user Interface is divided into seven main areas.

  1. Menu bar
  2. Toolbar
  3. Model identification
  4. Edition Manager
  5. Edition zone
  6. Console
  7. Status bar

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is divided into two parts: File and Help.

All actions related to the management of UCM files are located under File.

The Toolbar Menu

The tollbar is composed of three buttons

  • Open...
  • Save
  • Save As...

Model Identification

This area contains the name and the description of the UCM.

The Edition Manager

It allows the selection of the section to be edited.

The Documentation Section


This section is intended for the UCM user. Users can do a bit of layout and add some images.


This section contains technical documentation and is intended for UCM developers.


This section contains generic documentation that can be automatically generated by the user by clicking Generate.

For more details about the other sections, read How to Build UCM Devices in HYPERSIM

The Edition Zone

This section contains all general parameters of the model.

It is composed of 3 Tabs: Form, Text, and Help.

ParameterVariable nameDescription

The name of the model is used in the code generation so it cannot contain any special symbols or space and must start with a letter.

It must correspond to the file name.

EX: ucm_<Name>.def

It allows to easily identify the model with a brief description.
It identifies what time f UCM it is, either Network Element or Commands Block.
Load flow

Only active for a Network element, it specifies the type of load flow enabled.

It can be No Load flow (value by default), Admittance, or Generation.

This parameter is used to categories the model. EX: Breaker, transformer... the default value is User.
Execution Time

This parameter specifies the average execution time in seconds estimated by the developer and used by the task mapper.

The default value is 5us.

The value can also be measured through an initial simulation run of a model containing only the UCM and necessary control inputs if it is expected that the execution time varies based on the input values (e.g. with if/then/else statements). A higher step size may temporarily be necessary to make sure overruns don't cause performance misreading. To get the measured value, open the RT Monitor Tool, start the monitoring, reset the performance values once after a few seconds of simulation, then look at the Exec Max value after a few more seconds.

It allows the developer to specify what version of the UCM it is. 
Use Iteration
This parameter indicates if the UCM uses iteration or not.




The Console

The console displays relevant information regarding UcmBuilder actions.


The Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom left of UcmBuilder UI. It allows to see the state of UcmBuilder.

It is also synchronized with the number of section defined in the *.def to help the user to understand where the section is in the *.def file.

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