Step 3: Assigning Signals to the DataLogger

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Step 3: Assigning Signals to the DataLogger

By this point, if no simulations have previously been run, launch an analysis using the Analyze button from the HYPERSIM ribbon of the main window.

In the schematic, right-click on any component (a transformer in the example below), and select Open Sensor Form. The sensor’s window for that component is opened.

If the Record, Group and Trigger columns are not visible, click on the View combo box and select Data Logger.

The window should look like the following:

This window displays all signals associated with the schematic component to be monitored by the data logger. To monitor a signal, check its box in the Record column, and select the appropriate signal group in the Group column.


NOTE: Although not covered in this quick start guide, note that if a signal is to be used as the trigger signal for acquisition, the Trigger column should be used to select a reference signal.

Only one signal per signal group may be designated as the trigger source. Non-triggered acquisition becomes active by deafult when no signal is selected as the trigger source.


When done, click OK to close the sensors window.

Execute the simulation as usual with HYPERSIM.