Step 4: Controlling the Data Logger During Simulation

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Step 4: Controlling the Data Logger During Simulation

Once the data logger and the sensors are configured, and you have started the simulation in the main HYPERSIM window, reopen the data logging window to control the data logger recording state.

As in Step 2: Configuring the Data Logger, the Recording Mode determines the initial state of the data logger at the simulation startup. The user can later manipulate that state as desired, using the start/stop buttons.

Example: The data logger is started for the selected signal groups.


Every time recording begins for a signal group, a .oprec file and a .lost_steps file will be created in the IOData folder (their names match the pattern described in Step 2: Configuring the Data Logger).

This folder can be reached via the HYPERSIM ribbon or the Data Logger window, by clicking on the Show Data Folder button.

  • The .oprec file contains the logged data, later be read by ScopeView.

  • The .lost_steps file contains information about lost steps during the logging (if the No data loss option is left unchecked or simulation mode is real-time).

The data logger logs during a simulation duration defined by the parameters Log file length and Log file size unit (here 10 seconds).


NOTE 1: If a signal group's Recording Mode is Automatic, its corresponding .oprec file is generated upon simulation startup.

NOTE 2: Even if the data logger is started, it is possible that the .oprec file stays empty in cases where the recording was only supposed to begin when triggered, and that trigger has not yet occurred.


Each signal group's state is displayed in its tree view icon,  decorated with a red circle when logging has started or a blue square when it is stopped.

To modify the state of one or several signal groups, select their rows in the table and press the Start Recording button, or the Stop Recording button.

You can see if data is being logged by going into the data folder, refreshing it (by pressing F5 on Windows, for example) and noticing if the .oprec file size increases.


Once data acquisition is complete, stop the simulation.

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