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PowerFactory | Importing a Network
This page shows the steps to import a PowerFactory network model into HYPERSIM.
- 1 Step 1 - Import the DGS Export Definition Project
- 2 Step 2 - Activate the PowerFactory Project with the Source Network Model
- 3 [Step 3] - Clone the PowerFactory Project
- 4 Step 4 - Perform a DGS Export
- 5 Step 5 - Import Model into HYPERSIM
- 6 Step 6 - Export Simulation Results from PowerFactory
- 7 Step 7 - Load Simulation Results to ScopeView
Step 1 - Import the DGS Export Definition Project
Download ( = the pfd file containing the OPAL-RT UDB Export Definition). Copy the file to a folder that can be reached by PowerFactory.
Open a PowerFactory session.
Import the pfd file by using the Export / Data (*.pfd; *.dz) from the File menu.
You can alternatively import the file, by clicking the Import… option from the context menu that emerges after right-clicking the user database on the Data Manager.
Step 2 - Activate the PowerFactory Project with the Source Network Model
Import the pfd file that corresponds to the network model to be exported, if not already done before.
Activate the project from the Data Manager.
[Step 3] - Clone the PowerFactory Project
If you want to export the information associated with the network events of a given Study Case and, in addition, the PowerFactory project contains several Study Cases, then a copy of the original project needs to be created. This will allow you to remove unused Study Cases and related Network Variations to produce a clean export of the desired model.
This step can be ignored if there is no need to import any events from the Study Case.
Copy and paste the original PowerFactory project in the Data Manager.
Rename the new PowerFactory project and activate it.
Activate the Study Case that refers to the model to be exported.
Remove all deactivated Study Cases and Network Variations.
Right-click the activated Study Case and Consolidate the Network Variation.
Step 4 - Perform a DGS Export
Open the Calculate Load Flow window.
Select the AC Load Flow, balanced, positive sequence calculation method. Also, click on the Consider Voltage Dependency of Loads option.
Execute the calculation.
Go to File > Export > DGS Format…
Choose the XML File format as the export option.
Specify the target path and filename for the xml file to be generated.
Go to the Selection group. Make sure the Allow hierarchy and references of exported objects to be incomplete option is ticked.
Locate the Export Definition Variable Sets by using the buttons next to the Variable Sets label. The Export Definition is located in the Data Manager. It is the project item that was imported in Step 1.
If there is no need to import any events, then choose the Only calculation relevant elements of the active project base selection option. Otherwise, choose the All elements of the active project.
Click the Execute button to export the model as an XML file.
Step 5 - Import Model into HYPERSIM
Go to the File menu and click on New, then create a HYPERSIM file.
Select the desired folder, provide the file name, and then Save it.
Go to the HYPERSIM menu and click on the Import Network button.
Select PowerFactory in the Import Panel view.
Locate the xml file that was produced in Step 4 (i.e., the DGS export of the PowerFactory model).
Choose one of the following options to add the switches from the network model:
Buses connected directly to components and switches removed.
Cubicles are added as buses and all switches are parsed.
Only switches with related events are parsed and their cubicles are added as buses.
Click the Import button.
The PowerFactory Network Import operation generates a set of reports, which are useful, among other things, for:
Identifying any ignored or unsupported components.
Assisting OPAL-RT in the identification of the cause of potential conversion issues.
For more details on these reports see Network Import Reports.
Differences between Switch Import Modes
The results of the network import for each switch import mode are illustrated with the figures below:
All switches are removed
All switches are added
Only switches with events are added
Step 6 - Export Simulation Results from PowerFactory
Simulation results from PowerFactory need to be exported in case you want to compare them with the simulation results from HYPERSIM.
To export the simulation results from PowerFactory:
Open the Calculation of Initial Conditions window.
Select the Instantaneous values (electromagnetic transients) simulation method in the General tab.
Go to the Step Size parameter group and set the Integration step size. Also, set the Start time of simulation to 0 s.
Go to the Solver Options parameter group and make sure the Damping factor is set to a value >= 0.99.
Execute the calculation of initial conditions.
Edit the result variables. Click on the Edit Result Variables button and use the window to choose the components and variables that you want to be added. Keep in mind that EMT variables are found on a different parameter section from that for RMS variables.
Open the Run Simulation window. Set the Stop time and click the Execute button.
Create a new Plot Page and Insert a new Plot. Select the Simulation RMS/EMT plot type and click the OK button.
Use the Data Series window to specify what variables from which elements should be added to the Plot.
Perform an automatic Scaling of the X-axis to ensure that the entire simulation time interval will be considered in the data export.
Right-click on the Plot area and click the Export Shown Data… option.
Select one of the two following file formats that are supported by ScopeView:
Comma Separated Values (*.csv)
If the COMTRADE format is chosen, set the
Sampling frequency
as 1 /Integration Step Size
.Specify the file name and location.
Choose the Export only selected variables option.
Click the Execute button.
Step 7 - Load Simulation Results to ScopeView
Start ScopeView.
If COMTRADE was chosen as the file format:
Open the cfg file with your preferred text editor and change the revision year from 2000 to 2001.
Click the Open Data Source File button to show the Data Sources Chooser window.
Select COMTRADE files as the file type, locate the cfg file and click the Load button.
If CSV was chosen as the file format:
Open the csv file with your preferred text editor.
Keep only one header line and update the signals names so that they can be properly interpreted by ScopeView.
Select SPREADSHEET files as the file type, locate the csv file and click the Load button.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323