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On this page:
- 1 Exciter AC7B
- 2 Exciter AC8B
- 3 Exciter ESAC1A
- 4 Exciter ESAC2A
- 5 Exciter ESAC3A
- 6 Exciter ESAC5A
- 7 Exciter ESAC6A
- 8 Exciter ESAC8B
- 9 Exciter ESDC1A
- 10 Exciter ESDC2A
- 11 Exciter ESST1A
- 12 Exciter ESST4B
- 13 Exciter EXAC1
- 14 Exciter EXAC1A
- 15 Exciter EXAC2
- 16 Exciter EXAC3
- 17 Exciter EXAC4
- 18 Exciter EXDC2
- 19 Exciter EXPIC1
- 20 Exciter EXST1
- 21 Exciter IEEET1
- 22 Exciter IEEET2
- 23 Exciter IEEET3
- 24 Exciter IEEET5
- 25 Exciter IEEEX1
- 26 Exciter IVOEX
- 27 Exciter SCRX
- 28 Exciter SEXS
- 29 Exciter URST5T
- 30 Available I/O Pins
- 31 Example
- 32 Template for all Exciters
ePHASORSIM native library has the following PSS/E supported exciter models. At the bottom of this page there is a template where all exciters can be found. Once you have selected the desired exciter you can copy and paste it from this template into your Excel v2.0 file.
Exciter AC7B
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Kpr | Voltage regulator proportional gain | pu |
Kir | Voltage regulator integral gain | pu |
Kdr | Voltage regulator derivative gain | pu |
Tdr | Lag time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Kpa | Voltage regulator proportional gain | pu |
Kia | Voltage regulator integral gain | pu |
Vamax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Kp | Potential circuit gain coefficient | pu |
Kl | Exciter field voltage lower limit parameter | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance | pu |
Kd | Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kf1 | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Kf2 | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Kf3 | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf3 | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | s |
Vemin | Minimum exciter voltage output | pu |
Vfemax | Exciter field voltage limit reference | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter AC8B
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Kpr | Voltage regulator proportional gain | pu |
Kir | Voltage regulator integral gain | pu |
Kdr | Voltage regulator derivative gain | pu |
Tdr | Lag time constant | s |
Ka | Voltage regulator gain | pu |
Ta | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Vpidmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vpidmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance | pu |
Kd | Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Vfemax | Exciter field voltage limit reference | pu |
Vemin | Minimum exciter voltage output | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter ESAC1A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Tb | AVR lead-leg numerator time constant | s |
Tc | AVR lead-leg denominator time constant | s |
Ka | AVR filter gain | pu |
Ta | AVR filter time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum filter output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum filter output | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kd | Demagnetizing factor | pu |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter ESAC2A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Tb | AVR lead-leg numerator time constant | s |
Tc | AVR lead-leg denominator time constant | s |
Ka | AVR filter gain | pu |
Ta | AVR filter time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum filter output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum filter output | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vfemax | Exciter field voltage limit reference | pu |
Kh | Exciter field current feedback gain | pu |
Kb | Second stage regulator gain | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kd | Demagnetizing factor | pu |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter ESAC3A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Tb | AVR lead-leg numerator time constant | s |
Tc | AVR lead-leg denominator time constant | s |
Ka | AVR filter gain | pu |
Ta | AVR filter time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum filter output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum filter output | pu |
Vfemax | Exciter field voltage limit reference | pu |
Vemin | Minimum exciter field voltage output | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kd | Demagnetizing factor | pu |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor | pu |
Kn | Exciter control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Kr | Constant associated with regulator and alternator field power supply | pu |
Efdn | Value of Efd at which feedback changes | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter ESAC5A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Input filter time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter field resistance line slope | pu |
Tf1 | Rate feebdack lag time constant | s |
Tf2 | Rate feebdack lag time constant | s |
Tf3 | Rate feebdack lead time constant | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | pu |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | pu |
Exciter ESAC6A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Tk | Lag time constant=0 | s |
Tb | Time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum exciter output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum exciter output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kh | Exciter field current limiter gain | pu |
Tj | Field current limiter time constant | s |
Th | Field current limiter time constant | s |
Vfelim | Exciter field current limit reference | pu |
Vhmax | Maximum field current limiter | pu |
Kd | Exciter internal reactance | pu |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance constant | pu |
E1 | Field voltage value 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Field voltage value 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter ESAC8B
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Voltage transducer time constant | s |
Kp | Voltage regulator proportional gain | pu |
Ki | Voltage regulator integral gain | pu |
Kd | Voltage regulator derivative gain | pu |
Td | Voltage regulator derivative time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Ka | Amplifier gain | pu |
Ta | Amplifier time constant | s |
Te | Exciter field time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter field proportional constant=0 | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | pu |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | pu |
Exciter ESDC1A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance line slope | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf1 | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Switch | Switch to select a multiplier for the output voltage Efd. In this model it can only be 0, so that the multiplier is 1 | - |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | pu |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | pu |
Exciter ESDC2A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance line slope | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Switch | Switch to select a multiplier for the output voltage Efd. In this model it can only be 0, so that the multiplier is 1 | - |
Tf1 | Rate feedback time constant | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | pu |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | pu |
Exciter ESST1A
Name | Description | Unit |
Uel | Under excitation limit | pu |
Vos | pu | |
Tr | Voltage transducer time constant | s |
Vimax | Maximum error | pu |
Vimin | Minimum error | pu |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tb1 | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Tc1 | Lead time constant | s |
Vrmax | Excitation voltage upper limit | pu |
Vrmin | Excitation voltage lower limit | pu |
Kc | Excitation system regulation factor | pu |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum control element output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum control element output | pu |
Ilr | Maximum field current | pu |
Klr | Gain on field current limit | pu |
Exciter ESST4B
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Voltage transducer time constant | s |
Kpr | AVR proportional gain | pu |
Kir | AVR integral gain | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum AVR output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum AVR output | pu |
Ta | AVR Time constant | s |
Kpm | Proportional gain of inner loop regulator | pu |
Kim | Integral gain of inner loop regulator | pu |
Vmmax | Maximum inner loop regulator output | pu |
Vmmin | Minimum inner loop regulator output | pu |
Kg | Inner loop feedback again | pu |
Kp | Potential source gain | pu |
Thetap | Phase angle of potential source | deg |
Ki | Current source gain | pu |
Vbmax | Maximum excitation voltage | pu |
Kc | Exciter regulation factor | pu |
Xl | Bar leakage reactance | pu |
Exciter EXAC1
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Ka | AVR Gain | pu |
Ta | AVR time constant | s |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Kd | Exciter internal reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance constant | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Vrmax | Maximum exciter control | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum exciter control | pu |
Exciter EXAC1A
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Ka | AVR Gain | pu |
Ta | AVR time constant | s |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Kd | Exciter internal reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance constant | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Vrmax | Maximum exciter control | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum exciter control | pu |
Exciter EXAC2
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Ka | AVR Gain | pu |
Ta | AVR time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum output | pu |
Kb | Exciter field current controller gain | pu |
Kl | Exciter field current limiter gain | pu |
Kh | Exciter field current feedback gain | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Kd | Exciter internal reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance constant | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Vlr | Maximum exciter field voltage | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum exciter control | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum exciter control | pu |
Exciter EXAC3
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Ka | AVR Gain | pu |
Ta | AVR time constant | s |
Vamax | Maximum output | pu |
Vamin | Minimum output | pu |
Kr | Constant associated with regulator and alternator field | pu |
Klv | Gain used in the minimum field voltage limiter loop | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Kn | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Kd | Exciter internal reactance | pu |
Ke | Exciter field resistance constant | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Vlv | Field voltage used in the minimum field voltage limiter loop | pu |
Vfemax | Maximum exciter control | pu |
Efdn | Value of Efd at which feedback changes | pu |
Exciter EXAC4
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Vimax | Maximum error | pu |
Vimin | Minimum error | pu |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Kc | Excitation system regulataion | pu |
Exciter EXDC2
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Tc | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter field resistance line slope | pu |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf1 | Rate feedback lag time constant | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter EXPIC1
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Kpr | Proportional controller gain | pu |
Kir | Integral controller gain | pu |
Vr1 | Controller maximum limit | pu |
Vr2 | Controller minimum limit | pu |
Tas | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Tas2 | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Tas4 | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Vrmax | Voltage maximum regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Voltage minimum regulator output | pu |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf1 | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Tf2 | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Efdmax | Efd maximum output | pu |
Efdmin | Efd minimum output | pu |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Kp | Potential circuit real part gain | pu |
Ki | Potential circuit imaginary part gain | pu |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter EXST1
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Vimax | Maximum regulator input voltage | pu |
Vimin | Minimum regulator input voltage | pu |
Tb | AVR lead-lag denominator time constant | s |
Tc | AVR lead-lag numerator time constant | s |
Ka | AVR filter gain | pu |
Ta | AVR filter time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier loading factor | pu |
Exciter IEEET1
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Ka | Voltage regulator gain | pu |
Ta | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter IEEET2
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Ka | Voltage regulator gain | pu |
Ta | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf1 | Feedback time constant 1 | s |
Tf2 | Feedback time constant 2 | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter IEEET3
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Regulator input filter time constant | s |
Ka | Voltage regulator gain | pu |
Ta | Voltage regulator time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vbmax | Exciter voltage limiter | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
Kf | Excitation control system stabilizer gain | pu |
Tf | Excitation control system stabilizer time constant | s |
Kp | Circuit gain coefficient | pu |
Ki | Circuit gain coefficient | pu |
Exciter IEEET5
Name | Description | Unit |
Trh | Rheostat travel time | s |
Kv | Fast raise/lower contact settings | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter constant related to self-excited field | pu |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter IEEEX1
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tb | Lag time constant | s |
Tc | Lead time constant | s |
Ka | Gain | pu |
Ta | Time constant | s |
Vrmax | Maximum controller output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum controller output | pu |
Kf | Rate feedback gain | pu |
Tf | Rate feedback time constant | s |
Ke | Exciter field resistance line slope | pu |
Te | Exciter time constant | s |
E1 | Excitation voltage at point 1 | pu |
SE1 | Exciter Saturation factor at E1 | - |
E2 | Excitation voltage at point 2 | pu |
SE2 | Exciter Saturation factor at E2 | - |
Exciter IVOEX
Name | Description | Unit |
K1 | Gain | pu |
A1 | Lead constant | pu |
A2 | Lag constant | pu |
T1 | Lead time constant | s |
T2 | Lag time constant | s |
Max1 | Maximum output | pu |
Min1 | Minimum output | pu |
K3 | Gain | pu |
A3 | Lead constant | pu |
A4 | Lag constant | pu |
T3 | Lead time constant | s |
T4 | Lag time constant | s |
Max3 | Maximum output | pu |
Min3 | Minimum output | pu |
K5 | Gain | pu |
A5 | Lead constant | pu |
A6 | Lag constant | pu |
T5 | Lead time constant | s |
T6 | Lag time constant | s |
Max5 | Maximum output | pu |
Min5 | Minimum output | pu |
Exciter SCRX
Name | Description | Unit |
Ta/Tb | Gain reduction ratio | - |
Tb | Time constant | s |
K | Exciter Gain | pu |
Te | Time constant | s |
Emax | Maximum field voltage output | pu |
Emin | Minimum field voltage output | pu |
Cswitch | Voltage source switch – Bus fed = 0, Solid fed = 1. | - |
Rc/Rfd | Ratio of the crowbar resistance to field winding resistance Rc/Rfd | - |
Exciter SEXS
Name | Description | Unit |
Ta | Lead time constant of transient filter | s |
Tb | Lag time constant of transient filter | s |
K | Exciter Gain | pu |
Te | Lag time constant of exciter | s |
Emax | Maximum field voltage limit | pu |
Emin | Minimum field voltage limit | pu |
Exciter URST5T
Name | Description | Unit |
Tr | Filter time constant | s |
Tc1 | Regulator time constant | s |
Tb1 | Regulator time constant | s |
Tc2 | Regulator time constant | s |
Tb2 | Regulator time constant | s |
Kr | Regulator gain | pu |
Vrmax | Maximum voltage regulator output | pu |
Vrmin | Minimum voltage regulator output | pu |
T1 | Regulator time constant | s |
Kc | Rectifier regulation factor | pu |
Available I/O Pins
No | Pin Description | Pin Type | Value/Unit | Instruction |
1 | Get initial voltage reference | O | p.u. | exciterID/Vref0 |
2 | Set/Get voltage reference increment | I/O | p.u. | exciterID/pins/dVref |
3 | Get exciter output Efd | O | p.u. | exciterID/pins/Efd |
See the Exciter page in phasor01_IEEE39.xlsx
file in ePHASORSIM example phasor01.
Template for all Exciters
In this excel file are all the templates required to add the exciters in the simulation
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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