How to integrate a firmware containing external models in the Schematic Editor

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How to integrate a firmware containing external models in the Schematic Editor


This document provides information on how to integrate a new firmware containing external models in the Schematic Editor.


  • eFPGASIM 2.10 and higher

  • OPAL-RT Schematic Editor 2.10 and higher

External model support

This feature allows to include, in an RT-LAB model, components that are not supported in Schematic Editor. The communication between the eHS circuit designed in Schematic Editor and the external models is done by sending the eHS output to the external blocks through the appropriate interface, while the feedback currents from the external model are sent to eHS through a specific Schematic Editor controlled source input.

Typical usage

  • Support a custom model

  • Support a machine block not yet supported in the Schematic editor workflow

Firmware setup

In order to use an external models in Schematic Editor, the user must select an appropriate firmware that supports it. In Simulator Setup, these firmware are indicated as having a certain number of External Models, as shown in the figure below.

For a new custom firmware, it is necessary to import the .ioconf firmware description file, so it may be selected in Simulator Setup. See dedicated Including a new firmware section.

Model configuration

To use an external model in RT-LAB model, it is necessary to set the right configuration so eHS Schematic Editor circuit may communicate with external machine blocks in RT-LAB model.

  • The voltage signals at the output of eHS circuit must be sent to the motor terminals. This is done by setting the correct configuration in the Machine Interface block.

  • The phase currents from the external machine blocks are feedbacked to eHS through controlled sources which receive as input the external signals.

Schematic Editor

Once the user has selected a firmware that supports external models, it is possible to insert in the circuit schema controlled sources which receives as input the signals from the external machine blocks.

Also, the schema must contain voltage measurements to Simulink/RT-LAB model. These eHS outputs must be sent to the motor through the machine interface.

RT-LAB model

In the simulink model, besides the machine block, the user must also establish the interface between the eHS circuit output and motor inputs. This is done using the Machine Interface block, which needs to be properly configured (further information at this page).

Example: Switched Reluctance Motor

In the following example, it is presented a Simulink model that simulates a switched reluctance motor and its drive circuit designed in Schematic Editor.

The firmware description is already included in the eFPGASIM product.

Model configuration

Schematic Editor

First of all, the user must select a firmware that support external models communication. In this example, it is used "Kintex 7 325T - EHS - LEGACY MOTOS - CONF 1", as it is shown in the figure below:

The selected firmware is able to support three external blocks from eFPGAsim machine library: 

  • Dual PMSM VDQ Motors;

  • Induction Machine;

  • Switched Reluctance Motor.

Once this firmware is selected, the user is capable to set as input of current sources the values issued from the external machine blocks, which in this case are the three phase currents from the switched reluctance motor:

The model must also contains voltage measurements which will send their output to the motor terminals.

Simulink model

In this example, the Switched Reluctance Machine block is deployed and its communication ports need to be configured.

Next, at the block "Machine Interface", it is necessary to mention the LoadIn port number (further information at this page).

At the same block mask, the user must select which outputs from eHS circuit corresponds to the voltages to be applied at each phase terminal of the motor:

For further information on how to find port number for a specific firmware, go this page.

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