OpCanAc2 LDF PCI Ctrl

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OpCanAc2 LDF PCI Ctrl



MISSING THREE FIGURES: PCAN-LIN adapter information panel, CAN Interface information panel, LDF Model Generation information panel.


This block combines the classic functionalities of a CanAc2 Controller block along with the extra capability to automatically generate a model representing an LDF file.

It is arranged in three tabs displaying different information in each one:

  • Parameters related to PCAN-LIN adapter
  • Parameters related to CAN Interface configuration
  • Parameters related to LDF model generation

PCAN-LIN adapter panel shows information that needs to be picked up from the current PCAN-LIN adapter's configuration.

CAN Interface panel configures all CAN features such as channel, controller, baud rate, etc.

LDF model generation panel provides the tools to generate a series of Send/ReceiveOpCanAc2 based blocks configured to support the following capabilities based on the information from selected LDF file:

  • Automatic generation and configuration of OpCanAc2 Send/Receive blocks
  • Automatic generation of pre-signal scaling blocks
  • Automatic configuration of LIN Scheduler block

Note: Please refer to figures above showing the three different tabs.


Configuration Parameters of: This parameter is basically the selection of which panel the user would like to display.

  • PCAN-LIN adapter
  • CAN Interface
  • LDF model generation

PCAN-LIN Adapter Parameters

PCAN-LIN Adatper S/N: User has two possible options to choose from:

  • Serial Number >=1000
  • Serial Number <1000

This parameter is required to select the right version (S/N range) of PCAN-LIN that shall be used.

PEAK-System changed PCAN-LIN adapter's hardware and firmware from S/N IPEH-002029 1000 and up, making these adapters incompatible with S/Ns below this mark.

CAN ID Offset for LIN Messages (dec): This is the offset that shall be added to the LIN Id messages in order to adjust it when passing it to the CAN interface. On the other hand, this offset is subtracted from the CAN Id messages when passing them to the LIN interface. This parameter is used overall the auto-generated model by the Send/Receive blocks.

In previous versions of OpCanAc2 LDF PCI Ctrl block, the auto-generated model blocks containing this parameter came out with a default value of zero; In later versions, this offset is calculated and updated automatically for each one of the model blocks that include it.

CAN Interface Parameters

Controller IDSee OpCanAc2 Controller documentation.

PCI index
Plug-in module
Baud Rate

LDF Model Generation Parameters

System Configuration From

This pop-up menu provides three options of configuration: LDF W/GUI, LDF W/O GUI, and XML file.


This option enforces the usage of a graphical user interface (GUI) to perform the system's configuration from an LDF file.


This option configures the system without the usage of a graphical user interface (GUI). This option is faster when it is intended to generate the whole LDF's contents.

XML fileThis option takes an already created XML file to perform the configuration.
Configure SystemThis check box launches either an LDF File Management panel or a File Selection Dialog window allowing to inport LIN frames characteristics and features defined in the selected LDF file.
Current database filenameThis field is automatically updated with the last opened and processed file; the information could be the path either of current LDF or current XML file. This field is not user modifiable.


Block enable inputThis block's input is not always present. It becomes visible when the option "Use send enable port" is selected. For further information please refer to OpCanAc2 Controller documentation.


This block has no output(s).

Characteristics and Limitations

In order to have this block functional, it is required to connect an external PCAN-LIN transceiver from PEAK-System to the CanAc2-PCI DB-9 external connector. For further information please refer to OpCanAc2 Controller documentation.

Direct FeedthroughN/A
Discrete sample timeN/A
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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