OpCanAc2 LDF SendReq

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OpCanAc2 LDF SendReq




This block is used to transmit LIN Request frames from Master node to Slaves. It is controlled directly by LIN Scheduler Simulink block.

This block acts like a OpCanAc2 Send block with the option Remote Transmission Request (RTR) frame active.


Node NameThe name of the node to which the message is attached. If the LIN frame is not attached to any node, the name displayed is (Void).
MSG NameThe name of the LIN frame.
Controller IdSee OpCanAc2 Send help.


Req_LengthThis input receives the actual length of the corresponding LIN frame.
Scheduler_CtrlThis input is controlled by the LIN Scheduler Simulink block.


See OpCanAc2 Send help.

Characteristics and Limitations

This block is an auto-generated masked subsystem and there is no rtio library associated with it.

Direct FeedthroughN/A
Discrete sample timeN/A
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo

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