OpCanAc2 LDF SendRespData

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OpCanAc2 LDF SendRespData




This block is used to respond to the requested data by the Master via a LIN Request frame.

This block acts like a OpCanAc2 Send blocks with additional scheduling capabilities; essentially it receives control signals from PCAN-LIN support Simulink block, which activate it to transmit its associated LIN ID frame to respond the data requested by the corresponding LIN Request; in addition it does the pre-scaling of the send signals according to the rules stated in LDF file used to create this block.


Node NameThe name of the node to which to message is attached to. If the LIN frame is not attached to any node, the name displayed is (Void).
MSG NameThe name of the LIN frame.
Controller IdSee OpCanAc2 Send help.
CAN ID OffsetThis parameter is directly related to a parameter (same name) of PCAN-LIN Configuration tool. Both values should match in order to have this block functional. This parameter should be entered in decimal format. For further details please refer to Parameters Definitions of PCAN-LIN configuration tool.

Note: This file is accessible through help file of example model_1 of PEAK Systems product.


Resp_DataThis input receives the associated data to the LIN Frame ID coming from PCAN-LIN support Simulink block; it does the pre-scaling of the send signals according to the rules stated in LDF file used to create this send block.
TriggerWhen this input passes from low to high causes the LIN frame to be transmitted.
Rcvd LIN Req IDThis input captures the ID of the received Master's LIN request.
LIN IDLIN Frame identifier value; it should be specified in decimal format.


See OpCanAc2 Send help.

Characteristics and Limitations

This block is an auto-generated masked subsystem and there is no rtio library associated to it.

Direct FeedthroughN/A
Discrete sample timeN/A
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo

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