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Regulator Data
A regulator is modeled as a two winding transformer in ePHASORSIM.
Regulator Data
Entry | Description | Acceptable values |
Section ID | Regulator identifier | The section ID may not contain blank spaces. |
Phase | Phase present in the network | At least one phase should be selected. |
Primary (in ‘General’ sub-box of the ‘Settings’ box) | Primary side of the regulator | ‘At From Node’ or ‘At To Node’ |
Nominal Rating (in ‘Nominal Data’ box of 'General' tab) | Rating power of the regulator in kVA | Any value |
Rated Voltage (in ‘Nominal Data’ box of ‘General’ tab) | Rated line-to-line voltage in kV for both primary and secondary sides | Any value |
Configuration (in ‘Configuration’ box) | Connection of the transformer | ‘Star to ground’ or ‘delta’ |
Tap (in ‘Tap Settings’ box) | Tap position of the regulator | Any value |
Sequence impedances of the regulator, Z0 and Z1, are considered to be very small and they are both equal to 1e-8 ohms. Moreover X1/R1 and X0/R0 ratios are also assumed to be 10.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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