Synchronous Generator

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Synchronous Generator



Acceptable values



Acceptable values

ID (in ‘Synchronous Generator’ box)

Generator identifier

The ID may not contain blank spaces.

Number (in ‘Synchronous Generator’ box)

Generator Number

May contain up to 31 alphanumeric characters, but no blank spaces.

Status (in ‘Synchronous Generator’ box)

Connection status of the component

Connected or Disconnected


Phases present in the network

At least one phase should be selected.

Control Type (in ‘Control’)

Type of Control

‘Fixed Generation’

# of generators

Number of generators

Any positive integer value

Active Generation (in ‘Control’ sub-box of ‘Settings’ box)

Total generated active power by each Generator in kW

Any value

Power Factor (in ‘Control’ box)

Available only when ‘Fixed Genera­tion’ is selected for Control Type. In percentage



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