Parameter Description

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Parameter Description

General Parameters

Connection (Series = S Delta = D) – If “S” (serial), each member of the switch is in series with one phase of the network. If “D” (delta), each member of the switch is connected between two phases of the network

Note: The Delta connection is not functional at this time.

Switch Parameters

Type: Set the type of switch used. Each phase may use a different type of switch. Some type requires two command signals per phase because they are designed from two distinct elements.

Available types:

Ideal switchThe conduction and blocking depend on the command signal.
BreakerThe command signal set the blocking. The conduction depends on the command signal and the current intensity.
ThyristorThe blocking is set by the command signal and the current intensity. The firing is set by the command signal and the voltage at the thyristor terminals.
Back-to-back thyristorThe blocking of each thyristor is set by its own command signal and current intensity. The firing is set by its own command signal and the voltage at each thyristor terminals. Two command signals per phase are required.
Back-to-back thyristor and diode:The thyristor blocking is set by the command signal and the current intensity. The firing is set by the command signal and the voltage at the thyristor terminals. The diode blocking is set only by the current intensity through the diode and the firing by the voltage at the diode terminals only.

Note: Using a diode command signal will force the diode to fire. Sometimes, this technique is used to ease the simulation.

DiodeThe diode blocking is set only by the current intensity through the diode and the firing by the voltage at the diode terminals only.
GTOThe GTO blocking is set by the command signal if the current is acceptable. The GTO firing is set by the command signal and the voltage at the GTO terminals.
Back-to-back GTO and diodeThe GTO blocking is set by the command signal if the current is acceptable. The GTO firing is set by the command signal and the voltage at the GTO terminals. The diode blocking is set only by the current intensity through the diode and the firing by the voltage at the diode terminals only.

Note: Using a diode command signal will force the diode to fire. Sometimes, this technique is used to ease the simulation.

Fail signal resetDefault zero reset. If the “ENABLE” button is grey, the FailSig_label is reset to zero. This signal is produced if the switch (diode, thyristor or GTO) has reached its normal or reverse breakdown voltage or if an untimely firing had happened.
Steady state conditionState of the switches in steady state on a per phase basis. “0” if the switch is open and “1” if the switch is to be closed.
Precision ValveCommissioning of the high precision switching (diode, thyristor or GTO). Compensate the digital error as a result of the switch state change accordingly to the calculation time step.

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