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Module 5 Inside RT-XSG Model
List of Abbreviation and Acronym
- CPU Central Processing Unit
- Eof End of frame
- PGA Field Programmable Gate Array
- HIL Hardware in the Loop
- HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current
- HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
- MMC Modular Multilevel Converter
- PWM Pulse Width Modulation
- PU per unit
- RCP Rapid Control Prototyping
- SI Système international International System of Units)
- SFP Small Form factor Pluggable
- SPF Single Precision F loating point
- SM Submodule
- CDSM Clamped Double Submodule
- FBSM Full Bridge Submodule
- HBSM Half Bridge Submodule
- T-SM T-type Submodule
- STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator
- VBC Voltage Balancing Control
- Ts ; Tcpu Time step in CPU model
- Tfpga Time step (Calculation cycle) in FPGA model
- Tclk FPGA clock time, normally 5ns or 10ns
- Vcap Submodule Capacitor Voltage
- Vdc dc bus pole to pole voltage
- Software and versions
- FPGA model h ierarchy
- IO blocks: DataIN , LoadIN , DataOUT
- MMC subsystem
- Smsetup
- Control
- Connector
Typical Applications of MMC FPGA Models
- Preparing the firmware for different FPGA platforms (OP7020, OP5607, OP5700, or OP45x0)
- Configuring different number of valves simulated on one FPGA
- Implementing customized communication protocol to connect the controller under test
- Implementing customized valve balancing control algorithm
Software and Versions (for Xilinx Vivado)
- Matlab /Simulink Matlab 2016b: 64 bit recommended
- Xilinx Design tools: Vivado 2017.4 or above
- RT XSG: Version v3.1.8.105 or above
- MMC: V1.0
MMC FPGA Model at a Glance
Model Description
- Data in: receives data from CPU to FPGA every Ts
- Load in: receives system parameters from CPU to FPGA when parameters change
- DATA out: transfers data from FPGA to CPU every Ts
- Other models: MMC model can work with other models, such as IO or eHS
- MMC: simulates 6 valve converters. One FPGA could have multiple converters. Each contains:
- controller: including VBC and pulse generator.
- valve: MMC valve model (series connected SM).
- connector: SFP driver and data format conversion between controller/valve and SFP blocks.
Model Hierarchy
Communications Between FPGA and CPU
- Data in: receiving signals from CPU, updated at every Ts
- MMC Valve currents
- Voltage reference
- Gating signals
- Load-in: receiving system parameters from CPU, at model initialization or parameter change with lower update rate(i.e. whenever parameter changes).
- MMC configurations
- DATA out : transfers signals to CPU, updated at every CPU time step
- MMC valve voltages
- MMC/control measuring and monitoring info
- Capacitor voltages and SM states
- Above 3 blocks from RT XSG library. (or type rtxsg_communication ” in command windows).
- Each block has maximum 32 ports to connect to FPGA models. More info by clicking the “help” button in the block mask.
DataIN Port Description
- DataIN port 1: SM selection for fault . Receive 4 ufix32.0 data from CPU defining 4 SM selections. Please refer to help of CPU “SM sel ”
- DataIN port 2: valve current . Receive 9 data. 1 st 3 data for internal use. Next 6 SPF format data from CPU for 6 valve currents in Amp (SI value) value). Following into o1 as positive direction. Please refer to the help of MMC valve block in cpu
- DataIN port 3: pulse enable & Vref /gating signals. 1 st 3 data for internal use. 4 th data is pulse enable & G5 signals. Other data are either for Vref (fix24.23, 6 data for 6 valves) if in CPU model “MMC parameter controller gating signal from”= “ VBC ”, or gating signals (32bit, # of data determined on CPU model) otherwise.
- All 3 ports are in “ Async ” & “with start of frame”
- If more than 1 converter in FPGA, DataIN port 1 (SM selection) is for all converter. Each converter has 2 DataIN ports (“valve current” & “pulse enable & Vref /gating signals).
LoadIN Port Description
- LoadIN port 1: MMC parameter . Receive 24 32bit data from CPU for MMC parameters. Please refer to the help of MMC parameter block in cpu
- LoadIN port 2: CR discrepancy . Receive data from CPU for MMC SM capacitance and discharge resistance discrepancy.
- Above ports are in “ Async ” & “with start of frame”
- If more than 1 converter in FPGA, Each converter has 2 LoadIN ports.
DataOut Port Description
- DataOut port 1: valve voltage Vmmc . Send to CPU 12 Vmmc in Volt (SPF format)
- DataOut port 2: capacitor voltage & SM states. 6* Nvc 32 bit data for Vcap and optional Nvc 32 bit data for SM states. one 32 bit data for 2 Vcap (fix16.13) or 2 SM states (16bit). Nvc is defined in CPU model “MMC parameter scope SM number for display ” for eMEGAsim model, is equal 5 in Hypersim
- DataOut port 3: measuring & monitoring info . Send 19 32 bit measuring & monitoring info data to CPU.
- Above ports are in FIFO mode. Port 1 has “external data sync signal”; Port2& 3 doesn’t have “ external data sync signal
- If more than 1 converter in FPGA, each converter uses 3 DataOut ports.
Inside MMC Subsystem
- Internal use: for developer use
- S1: 6 valve converter model
- One can have multiple converters in 1 FPGA, e.g. S1, S2, …
- Number of converters is limited by license and FPGA resource
Inside Converter Subsystem
Smsetup Subsystem
Smsetup Block
- Smsetup block
- reading all parameters and input from CPU;
- packing data for inputs of downstream blocks
- Generating timing reference and other auxiliary signals used by other blocks
- 3 outputs:
- timing: timing reference and other auxiliary signals
- gCPU : gating signal from
- ref: Vref from CPU
MMC Valve Model Timing Reference
- Each MMC valve model has 4 identical SM calculation function.
- 1 function handles 1 HB/FB SM (1 capacitor).
- 2 functions together handles 1 CD/T SM (2 capacitors).
- Function works as pipeline. MMC valve model handles 4 HB/FB SM (or 4 capacitors) at each FPGA clock ( Tclk
- For a valve with n HB/FB SM (or SM with total n capacitors ), Valve model need minimum ceil( n /4) number of Tclk to handle all SM in valve, which also defined as calculation cycle ( Tfpga Example, a valve has 10 HBSM and 20 FBSM, Tfpga_min = ceil((10+20)/ Tclk = Tclk or 40ns if 1 FPGA clock is 5ns).
Smsetup Block: Output Timing
- Output “timing”: connected to valve model
- vlv (52 bit): internal use (MMC valve model);
- pre SMind (8 bit): reference index;
- pre GPind (2 bit ): reference group index;
- pre Cact (4 bit ): SM(capacitor) valid bits;
- pre GReof (1 bit ): end of frame(cycle) signal;
- Gind : internal
- datadisc dis(0~5) (20 bit): RC parameter discrepancy.
MMC Valve Model Timing Reference
- SMind : counter signal, increasing by 1 @ each FPGA clock and wrapping to 0 when reach (Ncc 1). Ncc is calculation cycle in terms of number of FPGA clock.
- GPind : counter signal, increasing by 1 @ each calculation cycle (from SMind =0 to Ncc 1 )and wrapping to 0 when reach 3.
- Cact : SM valid bit, 4 bits for 4 functions. 1 if function is handling a SM at current FPGA clock.
- GReof : end of frame(cycle) signal. 1 if handling last SM at current FPGA clock.
- Above 4 signals are timing references for other signals (e.g. inputs and outputs of pipeline functions).
- Example: 1 valve has 10 HBSM and 20 FBSM, Ncc = 8 FPGA clock.
- For SMind =0~6, 4 function are handling 4 SM. Thus Cact =1111|b
- For SMind =7, only 2 function are handling last 2 SM. Thus C act =0011|b; and GReof=1.
- calculation cycle can be set more than its minimum value. Example: 1 valve has 10 HBSM and 20 FBSM, Ncc = 20 FPGA clock.
- SMind increases from 0 to 19 and ramps to 0.
- For SMind =0~6, 4 functions are handling 4 SM. Thus C act =1111|b
- For SMind =7, only 2 functions are handling last 2 SM. Thus C act =0011|b ; and GReof =1
- For SMind =7~19, 4 functions are idle: Cact =0000|b
Smsetup Block: Output gCPU
- Output “ gCPU gating signal from CPU, connected to connector
- cmd i i =(0~ 32 bit): gating signals of 8SM (SM(8n)~SM(8n+7)) Each SM has 4 bits, SM in ascending order, e.g. SM(8n): bit[3:0]; SM(8n+1): bit[7:4];…; SM(8n+7): bit [31:28]; In each SM, G1:bit[0], G2:bit[1], G3:bit[2], G4:bit[3
- vld (1 bit): valid bit of cmd i
- eof (32 bit): end of frame signal;
- nbc (10 bit): total number of cap in a valve;
- gg (5 bit): extra gating signal info
- pulse enable(bit[0]);
- G5 of CDSM (bit[1]);
- force bit of HBSM (bit[2]) 2]);
- bit[3:4] reserved
Smsetup Block: Output Ref
- Output “ref”: mmc voltage reference, connected to controller subsystem “ctrl”
- conf (64 bit): parameters ; part of “ctrl” input config
- ref (192 bit ): voltage reference for 6 valves ; 32bit each for each valve. lower bits for lower numbered valve, e.g., bit[31:0] for valve 0. In 32 bit, lower 24 bit used (Fix24.23).
MMC Valve Model
- Routing subsystem: input signal routing
- vlv (0~5 ): 6 MMC valves
- Buffer: gating signal buffer
- Grepacking : repacking gating signal at specific timing sequence
- Protection: in SM protection logic
- MMC: valve model
- Vcrepack : repacking output Vcap for downstream blocks
Gating Signal Buffer in Valve Model
- Input
- Wdata : gating signal (from Connector G_routing")
- Rset : signals containing timing info to read gating signals from buffer (from “ Smsetup")
- Output “ Rdata ”: gating signal sent to valve model
- RAM0,RAM1: two double buffers for gating signals
Wdata: gating signal (from Connector G_routing
- Eof (1 bit): “end of frame” bit.
- Vld0(1 bit ): valid bit for cmd0.
- Vld1(1 bit ): valid bit for cmd1.
- Cmd0,1(64 bit): gating signals for 4SM, 16bit per SM.
bit | 15:08 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
signal | reserved | G5 | fast discharge | deactivated | Breaker | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 |
=1: | On | fast discharge | deactive | On | On | On | On | On | |
=0: | Off | normal discharge | active | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off |
lower bits for lower numbered SM, e.g. cmd [15:0] for SM(8n), cmd [31:16] for SM(8n+
- cmd0 for SM(8n+[0~3]), n increases by 1 at vld0=1 and reset by Eof
- cmd1 for SM(8n+[ 3~7]), n increases by 1 at vld1=1 and reset by Eof
2 RAMs for buffer of gating signal. Each RAM can save gating signal of 4 SM at each FPGA clock.
- RAM0 saves gating signal of SM(8n+[0~3]) from cmd0;
- RAM1 saves gating signal of SM(8n+[3~7]) from cmd1
Purpose of having 2 RAMs is to handle different protocol, e.g.
- gating signal of 8 SM sent in one FPGA clock;
- gating signal of 4 SM sent in one FPGA clock;
Example 1: gating signal of 8 SM sent in 1 FPGA clock from protocol
- 2 valid bits (vld0 & vld1) is synchronous;
- at one FPGA clock, signals of 8 SM is saved in 2 RAM when valid bit is 1.
Example 2: gating signal of 4 SM sent in 1 FPGA clock from protocol
- 2 valid bits (vld0 & vld1) is not synchronous
- at one FPGA clock, signals of 4 SM is saved in 1 RAM of which corresponding valid bit is 1
Protection in Valve Model
- Input
- Gatein : input gating signal of 4 SM
- statep : SM state
- Output:
- gateout : output gating signal for valve model
- Protection(0~3): in SM protection logic * 4
Note: gating signal in output is 3 FPGA clocks later than input.
MMC Valve Blackbox
- 3 inputs
- gate (64 bit )): gating signals for 4 16bit per SM. From “protection”.
- Para ( 566 bit): parameter and config
- Current (32 bit): valve current (SPF)
- 3 outputs
- Vs (64 bit): valve voltages
- Info (64 bit ): measuring and monitoring info
- state(320 bit)bit): SM info for 4 SM, 80 bit per SM. For
- Vcpu (0~3) (16 bit): Vcap pu value, Fix16.13
- Vcap (0~3) (32 bit): Vcap in Volt, SPF format
- status(0~3) 3)(16 bit)bit): SM states
- gate(0~3) (16 bit ): gating signals
MMC Valve Model
- For each SM:
- gating signal (16 bits)
bit | 15:08 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
signal | reserved | G5 | fast discharge | deactivated | Breaker | G4 | G3 | G2 | G1 |
=1: | On | fast discharge | deactive | On | On | On | On | On | |
=0: | Off | normal discharge | active | Off | Off | Off | Off | Off |
- SM state (16 bits)
bit # | SM internal state |
bit 0; | G1 open circuit fault |
bit 1; | G1 short circuit fault |
bit 2; | G2 open circuit fault |
bit 3; | G2 short circuit fault |
bit 4; | G3 open circuit fault |
bit 5; | G3 short circuit fault |
bit 6; | G4 open circuit fault |
bit 7; | G4 short circuit fault |
bit 8; | breaker being closed |
bit 9; | SM deactivated |
bit 10; | Vcap overvoltage level-1 |
bit 11; | Vcap overvoltage level-2 |
bit 12; | Vcap undervoltage |
bit 13; | capacitor short circuit fault |
bit 14; | reserved |
bit 15; | reserved |
MMC Valve Model: Input “Gate”
- gate (64 bit): gating signals, from “protection”
- 64 bit for 4 SM, 16 bit per SM
- Lower numbered group of 16 bit for lower numbered SM;
- Input for 4 SM at every FPGA clock;
- First 4 SM at FPGA clock that SMind =5
MMC Valve Model: Output “State”
- state(192 bit): SM info
- Output info for 4 SM at every FPGA clock;
- 3 signals (80 bit) per SM, (refers to “naming” block)
- Vcpu (16 bit, [15:0 ]): Vcap in PU, Fix16.13;
- Vc (32 bit, [47:16]): Vcap in valt , SPF
- status (16 bit, [63:48]): SM states
- gate (16 bit, [79:64]): display of gating signals
- First 4 SM at SMind = 2.
MMC Valve Model: Output “Vs”
Valve voltages Vs (64 bit)
- two equivalent valve voltages for both current directions, in volt (SPF format)
- Values are sent to CPU at every Tcpu
Vcrepack Block
Vcrepack: repacking output Vcap for “connecter” block
- Input from MMC: Vcap of 4 SM per FPGA clock
- Output to protocol: Vcap of 2 SM per FPGA clock
- 3 Inputs
- SMind & GPind : timing reference signals
- stateP : Vcap and SM states from valve model output
- 1 Output: Vcdata , Vcap and SM states in re arranged timing sequence
- vc (32 bit)bit): Vcap for 2 SM (SM(2n,2n+1)) if address=n . low 16 bit for SM(2n), high 16 bit for SM(2n+1). Format Fix16.13.
- stat(32 bit )): SM states ( SM(2n,2n+1
- valid(1 bit)bit): valid bits
- address(9 bit): address
Input and output timing sequence:
- Input from MMC: Vcap of 4 SM per FPGA clock
- Output to protocol: Vcap of 2 SM per FPGA clock
Controller Subsystem
- Ctrl block reads Vmmc reference from CPU and output gating signals to MMC valve subsystem.
- Routing subsystem: input signal routing
- Ctrl(0~5): 6 valve control, each includes gating signal generation and VBC
Ctrl Blackbox
5 inputs
- Config (127 bit): parameters:
- bit0(LSB): modelsync
- bit 103:94 ]]: (total Capacitor nub 1)
- others: internal use
- ref ( 32 bit ):lower 24 bit valid for voltage reference (Fix24.23).
- Vcdatain : 3 signals of Vcap to be written in RAM
- v (32 bit ): Vcap (Fix16.13), lower 16bit for SM(2n ) & high 16bit for SM(2n+1 ) if valid bit=1, address=n
- valid(1 bit ): valid bit
- addr (9 bit ): address of Vcap
- cnt (9 bit ): address to read Vcap from RAM. 2* Vcap at a time.
- Current (32 bit): valve current (SPF format)
2 outputs
- ctlout (34 bit )): parameters
- bit0: valid bit
- bit1: “end of frame” bit.
- bit[31:0]: gating signals
- of 8SM(SM(8n)~SM(8n+7)).
- Each SM has 4 bits , SM in ascending order, e.g.
- SM(8n): bit[3:0]; SM(8n+1): bit[7:4];…; SM(8n+7 ): bit [31:
- In each SM, G1:bit[0 ], G2:bit[1], G3:bit[2], G4:bit[3].
- Info (32 bit): for monitoring info sent to CPU
Connector Susbsystem
Signals in FPGA
- Traffic in 2 directions contains different signals
- Measurements in path from valve to controller ( outbound direction)
- Commands in path from controller to valve (inbound direction)
- Same signal at different locations have different data format and timing
- MMC, control, & SFP
Directions | Outbound | Inbound |
signals | Vcap | SM command signal |
MMC Block |
Protocol |
Controller |
Other Signals |
- Traffic in 2 directions contains different signals
- Measurements in path from valve to controller ( outbound direction)
- Commands in path from controller to valve (inbound direction)
- Same signal at different locations have different data format and timing
- MMC, control, & SFP
- Protocol may vary in different projects
- Number of fiber optic
- SFP (optical modular transceiver) specs
- Protocol: Aurora, Gigabit Ethernet
- Protocol at data application layer
- Interval between packets
- How many & what signals being sent, in what sequence & data format
- Connector block may change to respect actual situation if necessary
Connector Subsystem
- Different data format and timing at different locations
- Buffer is used for data format and timing conversion
- Buffer contains
- RAM or register cluster: signal storage
- Logic: format and timing conversion
- MMC_out: packaging MMC output into packets sent to control
- SFP_MMC: SFP driver at valve side (sending valve measurement & receiving control command)
- Meas_routing: routing & unpacking received MMC measurement packet for control input
- Ctl_out: packaging control output into packets sent to MMC
- SFP_ctl: SFP driver at control side (sending control command & receiving valve measurement)
- G_routing: routing & unpacking received control command packet for valve input
- SFP_dummy: dummy subsystem to replace SFP_MMC or SFP_ctl if SFP driver is not used
MMC_out Block
- MMC_out block:
- reads data (valve measurements) from valve model output,
- packs and outputs data in format & timing as defined in protocol.
- Two subsystems:
- Rambuffer: Ram as buffer
- TXinterface: generic transmission interface, defining protocol timing.
- Rambuffer: Ram as buffer
- Data from valve are written to Ram according to timing defined by valve model.
- Data to protocol are read from Ram according to timing defined by protocol
- Data format are converted if necessary
- Normally number of Ram is same as number of fiber optic in one valve.
- TXinterface: example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- One fiber optic (channel) for 1 valve (6 for a converter)
- Each packet sending Nmeas =(floor(n/2)+2) number of 32 bit data, n is number of capacitor in a valve.
- 1 st data is current in pu using lower 28 bits (FIX28.24)
- Other data are capacitor voltages. 1 data for 2* Vcap (Fix16.13). Lower 16 bit for lower numbered capacitor.
Data Number | Data (32 bit) | RAM Address |
1 | Valve current | 0 |
2 | Vcap of SM0,SM1 | 1 |
3 | Vcap of SM2,SM3 | 2 |
... | ... | ... |
floor(n/2)+2 | Vcap of last SM | floor(n/2)+1 |
TxInterface Block
- TxInterface : packaging data according to protocol
- One TxInterface block For each fiber optic (channel)
5 inputs
- Enable (1 bit ) & TX_READY (1 bit): signals from SFP, both = 1 in normal conditions. If packets are directly sent to internal control, both =1 to mimic SFP signals in normal condition.
- Sending period (16 bit )): interval between two packets, in terms of number of FPGA clock.
- NbrData (9 bit )): number of data in one
- Din(32 bit )): data being sent in packet. It should input i th data if output TX_DATA_INDEX is i at previous FPGA clock.
2 outputs
- TX_DATA_INDEX (9 bit): counter signal counting from 0 to Nmeas every “Sending period” when both “Enable ” and “TX_READY” are 1. Nmeas is number of data in a packet.
- TX: data packet being sent to controller.
- vld (1 bit): valid bit
- data(32 bit): data
- eof (1 bit): end of frame signal
Note: TX_DATA_INDEX increases to Nmeas (instead of (Nmeas 1)). However when TX_DATA_INDEX= Nmeas , data received in “din” after 1 FPGA clock will not be used
- Example : 7 HBSM, Sending period=20, and always Enable=1, TX_READY=1.
- Nmeas =5 data in 1 packet. Input NbrData =
- if TX_DATA_INDEX is i , “din ” is ready to receive i th data after 1 FPGA clock
- TX_DATA_INDEX increases from 0 to 5 every 20 FPGA cycles. TX_DATA_INDEX can serve as data address in RAM.
Note: TX_DATA_INDEX increases to 5 (instead of 4). Ram depth at least (Nmeas+1). Data at address 5 will be read but not used.
- When TX_DATA_INDEX keeps 0, 1 st data sent “din” might be updated.
Data Number | Data (32 bit) | RAM Address |
1 | Valve current | 0 |
2 | Vcap of SM0,SM1 | 1 |
3 | Vcap of SM2,SM3 | 2 |
4 | Vcap of SM4,SM5 | 3 |
5 | Vcap of SM6 | 4 |
Dummy data | 5 |
- How to interface valve model output ( Vcap , valve current) with TxInterface input “din”? (signal timing is different in two subsystems)
- Answer: RAM buffer
- How to interface valve model output ( Vcap , valve current) with TxInterface input “din”? (signal timing is different in two subsystems)
- Answer: RAM buffer and selector
SFP Subsystems
- SFP_MMC for MMC valve side, SFP_ctl for controller side:
- Including SFP driver.
- Sending & receiving data packets as flowing into & out of SFP.
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- One fiber optic for 1 valve (6 for a converter);
- In SFP_MMC or SFP_ctl block, 1 SFP driver block for 1 fiber optic (6 in a block);
- GenericHighSpeedComm_Aurora_8B10B_7Series ” for SFP with Aurora protocol. Properly set parameters in mask.
- Channel number corresponds to SFP port number in physical setup. Two blocks cannot have same Channel number.
SPF Driver Block
- SPF driver block:
- Receives data being sent out through fiber optic
- Output data being received through fiber optic
- Inputs/Outputs for data transfer
- TX/RX_DATAVALID: valid bit
- TX/RX_DATA: data being sent/received if valid bit is 1
- TX/RX_LASTDATA: 1 if last data being sent/received or 0 otherwise.
- Other inputs/outputs
- TX_ready, Lane_up, Channel_up: signals have to be 1 to be able to sent/receive data.
- For transferring data (d(0)~d(last)), timing of signals:
- TX/RX_DATAVALID: valid bit
- TX/RX_DATA: data being sent/received if valid bit is 1
- TX/RX_LASTDATA: last data being sent/received
SFP_dummy Subsystem
- SFP_MMC and SFP_ctl blocks take FPGA resources.
- If only digital simulation required without using SFP/fiber optic , SFP_MMC and SFP_ctl blocks can be replaced by SFP_dummy block for special bitstream version to save FPGA resources.
- SFP_dummy does nothing but has output with same signal name, data type and dimension as SFP_MMC or SFP_ctl block to avoid data type or dimension error messages at model compilation.
meas_routing Subsystem
meas_routing Block
- meas_routing block:
- routing i : Selects valve measurements source: from protocol SFP_ctl ) or internal connected ( MMC_out ).
- interpt i :packs and outputs data in format as input of “ctrl”
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- One data path for 1 fiber optic (6 in a block)
- meas_routing i : selects if valve measurements is from protocol (from SFP_ctl ) or internal connected (from MMC_out ).
- 3 Inputs
- sel: selection
- int: data from MMC_out block (directly from valve model)
- ext: data from SFP_ctl block (through fiber optic)
- Output “out”: data from the selected source.
- int ”, ext ”, & “out” contains same signal type & dimension
- Data(Ufix32.0): data
- Vld (bool): valid bit
- eof ( bool): end of frame signal
Interpt Block
- interpt i: packs and outputs data in format as input of “ctrl” model
- Output “ Vcdatain
- Vcdatain (3 signals):
- v (32 bit ): Vcap (Fix16.13
- addr (9 bit ): address, starts with 0;
- valid (1 bit ): valid bit;
- Current (32 bit): valve current (low 28 bit valid for Fix28.24)
- Eof (1 bit ): end of frame bit
Ctl_out Block
- Ctl_out block:
- reads data (control command) from VBC output,
- packs and outputs data in format as defined in protocol.
- Two subsystems:
- Rambuffer: Ram as buffer
- TXinterface: generic transmission interface, defining protocol timing
- Rambuffer: Ram as buffer
- Data from ctrl are written to Ram according to timing defined by ctrl model.
- Data to protocol are read from Ram according to timing defined by protocol
- Data format are converted if necessary
- Normally number of Ram is same as number of fiber optic in one valve.
Connector\MMC_out Block
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- One fiber-optic (channel) for 1 valve (6 for a converter)
- Each packet sending Ncmd =(floor(n/8)+1) number of 32 bit data, n is number of capacitor in a valve.
- 1 data for 8*cap. Only G1~G4 are transferred. Bit[7:0]: G1; Bit[15:8]: G2; Bit[23:16]: G3; Bit[31:24]: G4.Lower bit for lower numbered capacitor.
Data number | Data (32 bit) | RAM address |
1 | G1~G4 of Cap0~7 | 0 |
2 | G1~G4 of Cap8~15 | 1 |
3 | G1~G4 of Cap16~23 | 2 |
... | ... | ... |
floor(n/8)+1 | G1~G4 of last Caps | floor(n/8) |
TxInterface Block
- TxInterface (similar as in MMCout ): packaging & sending data to
- RAM buffer: interfacing VBC output with TxInterface input “din”.
- Command source selector: from embedded VBC or CPU.
g_routing Block
- g_routing block:
- Selects command source: from protocol (SFP_MMC) or internal connected ctl_out ).
- packs and outputs data in format as input of “valve” model.
- Example of standard FPGA model for demo bitstream
- One data path for 1 fiber optic (6 in a block)
- g_routing block: selects command source & packs and outputs data
- Output “Gin”: (same format as input of valve
- Cmd0(64 bit): gating signals for SM [0:3,8:11,16:19
- Vld0 (1 bit): valid bit for SM[0:3,8:11,16:19
- Cmd1(64 bit ): gating signals for SM [4:7,12:15,20:
- Vld1 (1 bit): valid bit for SM [4:7,12:15,20:
- Eof (1 bit): “end of frame” bit.
- For Cmd0 and Cmd1, 4 SM at a time, 16bit per SM.
- In MMC projects, communication between valve & controller may different as example FGPA model, such as
- measurements of 1 valves transferred by 2 fiber optic;
- 6 valve currents are transferred in each fiber optic;
- Voltages are transferred before current;
- Each voltage uses 32 bits (1 data for 1 Vcap
- Extra info, such as SM states, is transferred;…
- Logic in “Connector” blocks has to be modified accordingly:
- Number of data paths accords to number of fiber optic.
- Data packing/unpacking logic accords to protocol definition.
- "Connector” blocks outputs to “valve” and “control” subsystems should always accord to input of downstream subsystems.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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