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This function helps replacing Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) electrical blocks by ARTEMiS electrical blocks or replacing ARTEMiS electrical blocks by Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS) electrical blocks. This function is useful because ARTEMiS provides advanced blocks for real-time simulation. These blocks contain an optimized implementation of the SPS mathematical model which makes them better suited for real-time simulation.

This function also provides an optional interface to help the user select the blocks to be replaced. The figure below shows the dialog that appear when the function is called with the default argument.

Note: ARTEMiS currently only supports the Distributed Parameters line block. Other decoupling blocks than the Distributed Parameters line will be supported in a future release.

Table of Contents


opReplaceSpsBlocks(modelName, operation, searchDepth);

Inputs and Outputs



Name of the model to modify.


Optional argument that specified the type of operation to perform when replacing the blocks.

  • ReplaceBlocks: open a dialog that will help to switch between the real-time ARTEMiS blocks and the non-real-time SPS blocks.

  • ReplaceSpsBlocks: automatically replace all SPS blocks by their real-time ARTEMiS equivalent.

  • ReplaceArtemisBlocks: automatically replace all ARTEMiS blocks by their non real-time SPS equivalent.

The default value is “ReplaceBlocks”.


Optional integer that constrains the model search to a specific depth.




To open a dialog that will help to switch between the real-time ARTEMiS blocks and the non-real-time SPS blocks:

  • opReplaceSpsBlocks(modelName);

To automatically replace all SPS blocks by their real-time ARTEMiS equivalent:

  • opReplaceSpsBlocks(modelName, 'ReplaceSpsBlocks');

To automatically replace all ARTEMiS blocks by their non real-time SPS equivalent:

  • opReplaceSpsBlocks(modelName, 'ReplaceArtemisBlocks').

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