SSN Reconfigurable Breakers

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SSN Reconfigurable Breakers





The Reconfigurable Breaker model is a standard 3-phase breaker model which can be configured 3-ways: Active (or normal), Closed or Opened. In the Closed or Opened positions, the breaker is implemented as a fixed resistance with user selected value.

This model can be useful in real-time applications where there are limitations on the number of coupled switches. This breaker model can be used to provide multiple configurations using a single Simulink model; many different tests involving different breakers can be made using a single Simulink model.

The Reconfigurable Breaker models are configured with a script called: ConfigureSSNSwitches.

This script is used in the following way:

Step 1: get the list of Reconfigurable Breakers.

>> cfbrk=ConfigureSSNSwitches('ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers’,1)

cfbrk =

    'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker'

    'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker(close)'

    'ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers/Reconfigurable breaker(open)'

Note that this list can be made manually also.

Step 2: set desired configuration of Reconfigurable Breakers. For all Reconfigurable Breakers of the list, a setting is chosen: 'dy' for real breakers, 'on' for CLOSED, 'off' for OPENED.

Ex: conf={'dy','on','off'}

>> ConfigureSSNSwitches('ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers’,2,cfbrk,conf)



Active Breaker (status only): checked if the breaker is Active or Normal. This parameter is only a status of the internal setting of the block which must be configured with ConfigureSSNSwitches.

ON if breaker is inactive (status only): when the breaker is not active, this box, when checked, indicates if the breaker is CLOSED. This parameter is only a status of the internal setting of the block which must be configured with ConfigureSSNSwitches.

Breaker ON resistance: ON conduction resistance in Ohms for Active and CLOSED status.

Breaker OFF resistance: OFF conduction resistance in Ohms for Active and OPENED status.


The demo model ssn_switched_filter_ReconfigurableBreakers (R2015a+) is an example of Reconfigurable Breaker usage.

In the configuration shown above, only the ‘Reconfigurable Breaker’ block (at the left) can be activated during a test in this configuration. The advantage is that the SSN group on the right side contains no switch at all. Hundreds of similar switches could be added to the model as long as the number of active switch do not go above a certain limit which would make difficult the full pre-calculation of the group’s equations. This limit is 9-12 switches per SSN group.

Description of Inputs:

A,B,C,a,b,c: Electrical connections of the block.

g: breaker gate signal, used only when the Breaker is in Active mode.


This feature is available only in versions R2015a and above because it uses the block commenting feature of Simulink.

See also:


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