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ARTEMiS Guide Reference

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ARTEMiS (Advanced Real-Time ElectroMagnetic Simulator)


The ARTEMiS Guide block is the main discrete simulation parameter control block of ARTEMiS from which the different ARTEMiS solvers can be selected.


The following pane is normally empty in ARTEMiS 7.3+.


The ARTEMiS Guide block is used to discretize the linear part of the state-space system generated by the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems (SPS). It implements a strictly fixed time step simulation of SPS schematics and offers an alternative to the Tustin discretization method of the SPS to increase numerical stability and precision. In contrast to the simulation technique of the SPS, the 'ARTEMiS Guide' block precomputes and discretizes all state-space matrices for all combinations of the switch topologies thus permitting hard real-time simulation.

Since v6, ARTEMiS offers a new simulation algorithm called State-Space Nodal (SSN), which combines the accuracy advantages of state-space methods together with the advantages of nodal methods with regards to switch management. Basically, there is no switch count limit with the SSN solver.

Since v6 also, the interpolation method has been changed to ’Inlined’ methods which are more efficient in terms of calculation and more easy to use. The interpolation methods are now active by default because of their simplicity.


General Tab





Sample Time (s)

Sets the sample time for the fixed time step simulation of the electrical part of the SPS model. This sample time should be the same as the one entered in the SPS PowerGUI block.

Enable State-Space Nodal method

When checked, activates the use of SSN methods and solver in all SPS circuits. Since 7.2.1, this also applies to SPS circuits that do not have Nodal Interface Blocks (NIB), the circuit is considered as a 1-group SSN circuit, using the SSN solver.


The option Dynamic calculation of switch pattern matrix permutations is now obsolete in ARTEMiS. This option was provided in case of a large switch count within a state-space method. With SSN, this switch count limitation does not exist anymore.

The option RLC load substitution by Dynamic Load model is now obsolete. The option was provided to deal with some flaws in the SPS load flow routines. Since R2011B, SPS comes with a new load flow routine corrected these issues.

The option Use SPS continuous machine model is now obsolete.

State-Space Solver Options Tab

This option applies only to the parts of the model that don’t use the SSN solver.

Note: The state-space solver of ARTEMiS has now been replaced with the SSN solver, using the same solver code, but with a special case with a unique SSN group. All parts of the model are now discretized with the solver of the SSN tab.

Therefore, the State-Space Solver Tab will be normally empty, unless the SSN option is unchecked or if the flag ARTEMIS_USE_STATE_SPACE_SFUN=1 is set in the workspace.






State-Space discretization method

Sets the discretization method used by the ARTEMiS algorithm for the normal state-space system, not the one using the SSN method.

Four different methods are available: art5 (default), art3, art3hd and trapezoidal.

The art5 and art3 discretization methods are highly stable and very-accurate integration methods. Both are immune to numerical oscillations caused by switch operations in power networks. The art5 method is theoretically more accurate than art3, as it approximates the matrix exponential Taylor expansion to the 5th term, while art3 and trapezoidal approximate to the 3rd and 2nd terms, respectively.

The art3hd discretization methods a highly-stable method with good precision, especially in highly non-linear networks like the demo example provides with SPS called power_surgnetwork. mdl. The art3hd method is the only integration method capable of simulating the power_surgnetwork.mdl model with a time step greater than 90us.


These options apply to all parts of the model when the Enable State-Space Nodal method is checked even with pure state-space parts of the model unless ARTEMIS_USE_STATE_SPACE_SFUN=1 is set.





SSN solver

Type of solver used for the SSN method. The SSN algorithm solves a model as two parts: state-space groups connected in a nodal method. The state-space groups can be solved by state-space discretization similar to standard ARTEMiS (art5 solver, an order 5 matrix exponential approximant) while the nodal part can be solved by Trapezoidal, Backward Euler or Balanced-zero-hold, a mix of Backward and Forward Euler. The default method is Trapezoidal. Other methods are provided for help only. In the case of numerical oscillations at nodal connection points, the Art5 or Backward Euler method can provide a solution.

Disable SSN group iterations