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The OpXPlane block allows user to send data to the X-Plane visualisation tool.

OpXPlane block


OpXPlane mask.


This block send plane positions using the UDP/IP protocol provided by the X-Plane software.

X-Plane software has to be configured correctly in order to be able to receive data from an external component:

  • Start X-Plane.
  • Go to menu settings->Data Input & Output->int2
  • Set the IP adress for “IP adress of data sender”. This IP adress should the one of the target where the OpXPlane block will be executed. For instance, if you add the OpXPlane block in a SM subsystem and you execute this subsystem on a QNX target, the IP adress should be the one of the QNX targets.
  • Close this menu.
  • Go to menu settings->rendering options
  • Set the “number of aircraft” to render. This number should be the same than the one inthe OpXPlane block mask.
  • Close this menu. X-Plane has been configured to receive data from an external component.

X-Plane software must be started manually before executing the simulation.


IP address of X-Plane softwareIP address of the computer running X-Plane software.
Number of planesNumber of aircraft controlled by this block. An input will be added for each plane.
DecimationDecimation factor for the communication.
AircraftName of the aircraft to load when connecting to X-Plane. If this block controls many aircraft, the same name will be applied to all aircrafts.


This block has one input for each plane. The input is a vector with seven (7) elements in this order: Latitude, Longitude, Elevation (altitude), Heading, Pitch, Roll, Gear (0 for up or 1 for down).


This block has no outputs.

Characteristics and Limitations

This block has no special characteristics.

Direct Feedthrough


Discrete sample time


XHP support


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OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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