SSN Faults and POW Synchronization Blocks

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SSN Faults and POW Synchronization Blocks


ARTEMiS/Tools/POW faults



The POW fault blocks are blocks used to conduct faults tests on ARTEMiS-SSN models.

OpElectricFault is a block that implements a fault using a standard SPS breaker. The difference with the SPS Breaker is that it is selectable according to the selection made in the OpElectricFaultSelector block and that it is triggered synchronously with the AC line voltage (i.e. Point-On-Wave or POW synchronization) when connected to the opPOWFaultControl block.

OpElectricFaultSelector is a fault selector block. It is typically connected to many opElectricFault blocks with different ‘Location ID’. The OpElectricFaultSelector then selects and enables a specific opElectricFault using the user ‘Location ID’. The fault type (3-phase, 1-phase, line-line, etc…) can also be selected from the OpElectricFaultSelector block.

opPOWFaultControl is a block that generate a trigger signal for the opElectricFault blocks synchronously to the AC wave (also called POW triggering). It also generates an Acquisition trigger signal for Opal-RT OpWriteFile blocks. The opPOWFaultControl can be configured to generate a fault signal that varies over time, in a POW manner, to allow for statistical fault testing.

Quick usage examples

Please study the following ARTEMiS-SSN demos to quickly master how to use these blocks:

  • ssn_distributiongrid_A1.mdl

  • ssn_distributiongrid_A2.mdl




Sample time (s): the sample time used in the block.

PLL settings: Nominal Frequency of Network (Hz)

PLL settings: PLL regulator gains: Kp Ki Kd: Proportional, integral and derivative gain of the PLL.

Note: PLL synchronization is not required if the opPOWFaultControl is connected to a strong voltage bus.

Acquisition: Synchronization phase: for trigger generation purpose, select one of the ABC phase.

Acquisition: Detection mode: for trigger generation purpose, select either rising zero-crossing or falling zero-crossing on the selected phase.

Description of Inputs:

sync_BUS(pu): the POW synchronisation voltage (3-phase) in Per-Unit (i.e. the voltage should be scaled to have a peak amplitude near 1)

Fault params: the POW parameter signal (coming from opElectricFaultSelector block)

Description of Outputs:

Acq trigger: trigger signal for OpTrigger blocks for triggered acquisition.

Fault Trigger: the time trigger of the fault application (connects to opElectrical Fault block)



Block parameters:

Fault type: Use the check boxes to configure the fault type.

Fault and acquisition period [s]:  this is the acquisition period for the fault events.

'Fault start time': [Tst, Tst_var, Tst_pd]

Tst:     Fault start time in seconds, referred to the Fault and acquisition period.

Tst_var: The fault time variation span. At each acquisition period, the fault timing will vary from Tst to Tst+Tst_var (If Tst_var==0, the fault always starts at Tst)

Tst_pd:  Fault variation cycle in seconds (if Tst_var is not zero)

Enable Point-On-Wave: if selected, the fault start time is adjusted to occur precisely at a certain angle of the grid voltage source.

NOTE: This option bypass the 'Fault start time' parameters.

Fault start angle [deg_st (deg), deg_var (deg), deg_pd (s)]:

deg_st: the source angle at the time of the fault application in degrees.

deg_var: POW variation amplitude in degree of the fault application.

deg_pd: period of the POW variation.

Fault duration   [Tst, Tst_var, Tst_pd]:

Tst:     Fault duration in seconds

Tst_var: The fault duration varies from Tst to Tst+Tst_var (If Tst_var==0, the fault duration is constant)

Tst_pd:  Fault duration variation cycle in seconds.

Fault location ID: The location ID of the fault to be triggered. For a fault to be triggered, the location ID in the OpElectricalFault block must match Fault location ID of this block.

Initial Delay of Fault (sec): the faults will be disabled until this simulation time is reached. In offline simulation, this is useful to let the simulation reach steady-state before the first fault is applied.

Output signals

This block output the fault parameters and the fault location data. This signal is to be fed to the various OpElectricFault blocks.




Fault location ID: use this parameter to specify the ID of the OpElectricalFault block. The fault will be triggered when the ID selected in the OpElectricalFaultSelector block corresponds to the block ID.

Fault Resistance: use this parameter to specify the fault resistance of ABC phases

Ground Resistance: use this parameter to specify the fault resistance of ground path.

Note: the fault type is selected in the OpElectricalFaultSelector block.

Input signals:

Trigger signal: applies the fault when set to 1 and the fault location corresponds to the current fault block.

Fault_params:  used to dynamically choose the type of fault. It must be connected to OpElectricFaultSelector block.

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