HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2019.1
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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2019.1
- Added new Renewable Energy example models for PVGS, FCGS, BESS and CHP
- Added support for MATLAB R2018a and R2018b
- Added data logger capability to start and stop recording while the simulation is running
- Added dynamic file management capability to the data logger
- Added load flow support to UCM
- Added autotransformer model
- Added transceiver models for voltage and current signals
- Added point of current measurement in thyristor model
- Added an option in the ribbon to export the design in EDD format
- Added support for I/O factor with new UI-based I/O system in the sensor view
- UI: Added capability to draw diagonal signal lines
- UI: Added capability to connect a bundle input to multiple outputs
- Improved default performance factor value to 20
- Improved workflow of the content editor with an expression analyzer
- Improved workflow with snapshot by providing it directly in the main HYPERSIM ribbon
- Improved workflow and fixed various issues with the Target Manager
- Fixed Advanced target settings that were not applied before simulation or saved with the model
- Fixed missing iteration parameter in "3-winding, w/ sat + tap + dec" transformer
- Fixed API function setSensorDataPoint()
- Fixed PT block error when using it as a network element mode
- Fixed transformers not displayed in Base Voltage view of the netlist if neutral pin is visible
- Fixed gcc compilation command not working
- Fixed issue with 1-phase wideband line model
- Fixed default value for the task mapping performance factor being too low
- Fixed issue with driver configuration update progress bar persisting after the update is completed
- Fixed various issues with non-persisting preferences
- Fixed issue with lost data when changing the number of points on a saturation curve
- Fixed wideband fitter failing to generate data
- Fixed issue with simulation preferences being saved on Apply instead of with the model
- Fixed R-L coupled wrong pin type that should be 3-phase only
- Fixed network issue that could cause a time out during code generation
- Fixed 1-phase to 3-phase connection type change not taken into account at the next Analyze
- Fixed issue with .pun file not loading in the DC line model
- UI: Fixed various bundle and breakout connection issues
- UI: Fixed Advanced Find window not hiding and re-showing correctly
- UI: Fixed various issues in Edit Symbol mode
- UI: Fixed various issues in Library Maintenance
- UI: Fixed rename issue after copy/paste action
- UI: Fixed issues with Observables on subcircuits
- UI: Fixed Parts Library disappearing when floated
I/O Interfaces
C37.118 Master
- Added "Mismatch" connection point providing information whether the master has a different number of data configured
than the slave
DNP3 Master
- Added option to execute the driver on a dedicated core
- Improved data mapping using editable custom names instead of preconfigured order
DNP3 Slave
- Added option to execute the driver on a dedicated core
IEC 61850
- Fixed GOOSE messages corruption when daName refers directly to a basic
data attribute - Fixed cVal.mag.f data attribute parsing
Modbus Slave
- Added option to configure the initial values
OPAL-RT Boards
- Added support for Multi-System Expansion link (MuSE)
- Added support for new Artix-7 FPGA board (OP5143)
- Added support for OPAL-RTLinux 64-bit
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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