HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2025.1

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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2025.1


Software Toolboxes Installed with HYPERSIM


Version Number



Version Number


eFPGASIM (FPGA-Based Simulation)



New features


  • Multiple FPGA-Based Circuit components can now be added into a same HYPERSIM circuit.

  • Error messages displayed when importing a badly formed UCM definition file (.def) have been improved by now giving, when possible, the exact line number within the file that is incorrect.

  • Whitespaces in numerical fields are now allowed in Scopeview (DataLogger and FPGA Scope).

  • Better performances of the addPinsToDevice method in thePython API, especially when creating subcircuits with large amount of pins.

  • The error message displayed when running a model containing a eHS block on localhost has been improved to suggest the user to select a compatible real-time target.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a stuck progress bar for “Starting Scopeview” when double clicking ScopeView button in HYPERSIM ribbon.

  • Fixed a UI glitch in the task manager when assigning a processor to a task, the value was not showing the first time the focus is lost by the table cell.

  • Fixed an error on ScopeView when entering an absolute path to the “Data Sources Chooser” dialog box.

  • Fixed a UI glitch in the I/O interface when certain parameters were changed with incorrect values, leaving the UI outdated with the internal data.

  • Fixed loss of connections in Dahsboards with HYPERSIM model when deleting or renaming a sub-circuit.

  • Fixed flood of logs in the HypConsole when a Dashboard is taking acquisition during a simulation

  • Fixed an issue with Dashboards when HYPERSIM was installed at the default location.

  • Fixed an issue with the UCM builder where custom code written by hand in the “AFTER VOLTAGE CALCULATION CODE” section could be overwritten and lost by the UCM builder.


Signal Visualization and Processing


Unified Database


  • Added parsing of PSCAD Global substitutions

  • Fixed an import issue with the Control Node blocks

  • Fixed setSubcircuitScripts() when special characters are present

  • Fixed the PSCAD parsing of potential Text parameters being values and units

  • Fixed PSCAD DLLConfig not checking .f90 files for subroutines

  • Fixed PSCAD special characters messing with exported python strings

I/O Interfaces


  • Added support for multiple OPAL-RT Board instances with eHS in the same project.

  • Improved programming sequence of OP4810/OP4815 platforms to be retrocompatible.

  • Improved warning logs when attempting to program an OP4810/OP4815 platform without a specified IP.

  • Improved hardware mismatch warning logs.

  • Fixed stretched steps appearing when no output connections made for an OP4810/OP4815 platform.

FPGA-Based Power Electronics Toolbox

eHS Blockset


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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