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BERTA Acquisition Group 1
Voltage, current and real-time processing monitoring signals are sampled at all times, but not recorded. The sampling frequency is preset to 20,000 per second, which corresponds exactly to one sample per step (1 step = 50 microseconds). The display refresh frequency is preset to 0.1 second, as is the monitor display range.
List of signals from acquisition group 1:
High Voltage 4 | High voltage input in AD channel 5, in p.u. |
High Voltage 5 | High voltage input in AD channel 6, in p.u. |
High Voltage 6 | High voltage input in AD channel 7, in p.u. |
Va | Tested unit voltage phase A, in p.u. |
Vb | Tested unit voltage phase B, in p.u. |
Vc | Tested unit voltage phase C, in p.u. |
Vab | Phase to phase voltages. Serves as a synchronization reference point for acquisition of other current and voltage signals. |
Vbc | Phase to phase voltages. Serves as a synchronization reference point for acquisition of other current and voltage signals |
Vca | Phase to phase voltages. Serves as a synchronization reference point for acquisition of other current and voltage signals |
Ia | Tested unit current phase A, in p.u. |
Ib | Tested unit current phase B, in p.u. |
Ic | Tested unit current phase C, in p.u. |
Summation I | Sum of the 3 phase currents in p.u. Should equal zero. |
Summation V | Sum of the 3 phase to phase voltages. Should equal zero. |
Sim Volt A | Simulated phase A voltage, in p.u. |
Sim Volt B | Simulated phase B voltage, in p.u. |
Sim Volt C | Simulated phase C voltage, in p.u. |
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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