C37.118 Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

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C37.118 Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

Supported Features

  • Supports simulation on Windows and Linux

  • IEEE Std C37.118.2-2011 compliant

  • Supports internal timestamping for quick testing and supports external synchronization for very accurate timestamping

  • Supports fast configuration of multiple slaves, each slave having its own configuration

  • Supports TCP only, UDP only or TCP and UDP

  • Supports IP aliasing

  • Configurable TCP and/or UDP ports

  • Configurable nominal frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz)

  • Configurable data rate (10 to 240 frames per second) or custom data rate up to 512 frames per second

  • Configurable phasor representation (polar or rectangular)

  • Configurable data format (INT16 or FLOAT)

  • Configurable header frame

  • Driver's internal buffers can be monitored to evaluate performances

  • Supports RTA mode simulation on Windows systems


  • A configuration containing 100 slaves streaming 16 phasors each at a data rate of 60 frames per second has been tested and validated

  • Custom data rate value must be between 1 and 512 frames per second

  • Statistic word is not supported and will be 0 within all reported packets

  • Time quality leap second information is not implemented and will be 0 within all reported packets

  • Time quality indicator can only take 0x0 (timestamp signal is 1 - valid) or 0xF (timestamp signal is 0 - invalid) values

  • Configuration reported by the C37.118 slave following a CFG-1 or CFG-2 command is the same

  • Configuration frame #3 is not supported

  • Fraction of second (FRACSEC) value of the data frames is reported in microseconds

  • External synchronization has been fully tested using Spectracom TSync-PCIe and Oregano syn1588 PCIe NIC cards.

  • In RTA mode (Windows), there is no clock. It means that the driver will transmit streams as fast as possible and the number of frames per second will not be respected. It will be much higher than what is specified in the configuration.

  • On 32bit OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based) platforms (such as RedHat 5.2), a maximum of 2000 PMUs can be handled by one I/O interface instance. If more are required, it is recommended to use an extra interface instance for every 2000 PMUs needed. This limitation is not present on OPAL-RTLinux (x64-based) platforms.

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