CAN | Supported Features and Limitations

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CAN | Supported Features and Limitations

Supported Features

  • ISO 11898-1 and 11898-2 compliant

  • CAN FD (selectable by channel)

  • Configurable through DBC and ARXML files (including DBC files where a message is transmitted by multiple nodes)

  • Configurable number of active channels (within the constraints of the hardware)

  • Configurable bit rate for each channel: 50, 62, 83, 100, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 Kbps and up to 8 Mbps for CAN FD

  • Silent mode

  • 1-bit granularity messages

  • Simple signal multiplexing for both transmission and reception of data

  • 1 instance of the driver can handle multiple hardware cards

  • Message transmission and reception can be enabled/disabled in the model (cyclically transmitted messages are exempt)

  • Transmission and reception buffers can be emptied in the model

  • Messages can be transmitted with a fixed or a dynamic ID

  • Messages can be received with a specific ID or in promiscuous mode

  • Endianness for each signal in a message can be chosen between Intel and Motorola formats

  • A gain and an offset can be applied to each signal within a message, both in transmission and in reception

  • Statistics for each channel can be monitored

  • Configurable flags for each transmitted message

  • Flags for each received message can be monitored

  • The timestamp of each received message can be monitored

  • Nodes of type Vector_XXX can be imported to CAN configuration via the DBC importer (but will not be part of the CAN communication)


  • Maximum number of channels is 4 per card, however one instance of the driver can handle multiple cards

  • Number of frames per message that can be received in one time step is 20 (buffer size parameter value)

  • Enabling the Bus Load feature slows down the CAN data communication

  • Only Linux simulations are supported

  • Does not support RTA mode simulation on Windows systems

  • Does not support legacy configuration mode (using .io and .opal configuration files)

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