HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2023.2
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HYPERSIM Release Notes: 2023.2
- Added support for MATLAB R2023a
- Added support for multiple Dashboards when having several HYPERSIM instances or models opened at the same time. See OPAL-RT Dashboards
- Added How To Example Model:
- Added the following Python API commands:
- the simulation mode option in the setTarget command
- Added PSSe Import Option
- Added Group Machines With Controls option by default
- Added a notification in case of a simulation crash (limitation: feature not available on Red Hat 32-bit OS)
- Added Python 3.9 and 3.10 compatibility for DataLogger API modules
- Added Processor Performance information to the .simout
- Added ScopeView template in the FPGA scope example model
- Improved Impedance Measurement workflow
- Improved logging in the console with timing
- Improved message when requesting a license without network connection
- Improved missing license key not found error message
- Improved error message when 2 control output pins feed the same signal
- Improved validation of the topology
- Improved time to build the topology
Fixed Target I/O Interface component not renaming pins containing certain forbidden characters on the schematic
- Fixed issue with Target I/O Interface component when a data point is lost
- Fixed simulation still running on the target in case of an engine crash on the host (limitation: fix not available on Red Hat 32-bit OS)
- Fixed sh: /sbin/lspci: No such file or directory error in the target diagnostic for OPAL-RTLinux OS
- Fixed eHS target license missing error
- Fixed HYPERSIM average simulation time value in .simout file
- Removed HyperView Monitor tab
- Removed HyperView Line tab and moved it to corresponding Lines component masks
- Removed HyperView SyncMac tab and moved it to corresponding Synchronous machine with fault component mask
- Removed Sequence Manager for this version due to instabilities. It will be back in the next version
I/O Interfaces
C37.118 Slave
- Improved C37.118 example model with automatic synchronization interface detection
- Fixed issue with the process not being migrated to the correct CPU core
- Fixed loss of connection issue with long simulations
- Added a pop-up to warn users that OP4200 support as MuSE remote target will no longer be supported as of HYPERSIM 2024.2
- Fixed switching to a 64 port loadin/loadout bitstream not showing the correct configuration menu until the I/O Interface menu is restarted
- Fixed flashupdate unable to load dynamic libraries
- Fixed standard repository not finding default bistreams
OPC-UA Server
- Fixed issue with the TCP server not attaching to the configured interface
- Fixed publish paths and allowed multiple datapoint names in different subfolders
- Added possibility to apply an offset to the received timestamp before returning it to the model
- Fixed issue with float and double-bit precision data types
FPGA-Based Simulation
- Added support for the PMSM VDQ machine in eHS Gen5 VC707 firmware
- Added licensing management for eHS Gen5 and PADE5 discretization method
- Added new Induction Machine with Saturation model
- Added support for single switches in eHS Gen5 firmware
- Added capability to use User Defined Back EMF profile for PMSM and BLDC
- Improved reset logic of eHS to fix initial state at model startup
- Improved names of I/O connections to match Hardware Slot and Channel identification
- Improved Installer/Uninstaller performance
- Improved error message for malformed JSON resource file returning "Error (139)"
- Fixed issue when connecting a measurement to multiple AO from different mezzanines
- Fixed issue when disconnecting some, but not all, gate connections from multi-level switching components (Half Bridge, Three-Level, Cycloconverter)
- Fixed Thyristor behavior in eHS Gen4
- Fixed issue preventing setting of rectangular Ldq matrices in PMSM VdQ
- Fixed PMSM Variable DQ parameter file that may contain different numbers of values along the direct and the quadrature axes
A more detailed list of release notes is available at C:\OPAL-RT\eFPGASIM\v2.13.2.61\Docs\ReleaseNotes\Releases_Notes.pdf
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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