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Load File (EMTP)
An EMTP file that contains the physical parameters of the lines (Fig 7 - 6, 7 - 7 and 7 - 8) or the resolve matrix by the external software of EMTP (Fig 7 - 2) can be loaded automatically in the
parameter form. HYPERSIM® allows the user to directly transfer data originating from files in three types of format.
Transfer of Parameters from a EMTP “.PUN” file.
The EMTP AUX routine allows users to use a line parameter file to generate a file in “.pun” format. When the user clicks on the control panel “fichier” button, HYPERSIM® transfers the data in the specified “.pun” file to the line control panel. It is not possible to read the data contained in the “.PUN” file in the case of PI lines.
Calculation of parameters from a Inpurdue type input file.
Purdue University developed a TRANS2 program allowing to calculate line parameters using the geometric data of conductors. This program was repatriated by IREQ, improved and is now known as MOLIPAR. The main advantage of the program is to allow to input geometric data of lines using a graphic interface. However, MOLIPAR still allows users to input data from TRANS2 readable files.This type of file is known as “Inpurdue”.
HYPERSIM® calls a modified version of MOLIPAR to calculate the R, L and C matrices of the lines. Then, the functions of the CLAPACK user’s guide, third edition, SIAM, 1999, library are used to transform the R, L and C phase parameters into mode parameters and Ti transformation matrix used by HYPERSIM®.
When the user clicks on the control panel “file” button, HYPERSIM® executes the calculations using the data contained in the file (Figures 7 - 3) displayed in the line control panel.
The data will then be transferred in the control panel.
Calculation of parameters using an EMTP type input file.
HYPERSIM® can also use an EMTP input file (Figures 7 - 2) to execute calculations. In fact, the data are extracted from the EMTP file and the parameters calculated using the same routine as for an Inpurdue file. The parameters thus calculated are not identical to those calculated by EMTP with the same input file. However, the electrical behaviours in both cases are nearly identical.
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