Modbus Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

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Modbus Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

Supported Features

  • Standard registers:

    • Coils: Available as a model output, a model input (controlled by the master) or both

    • Discrete inputs: Available as a model output

    • Input registers: Available as a model output. The supported data types are UINT16, INT16, UINT32, INT32 and FLOAT32.

    • Holding registers: Available as a model output, a model input (controlled by the master) or both. The supported data types are UINT16, INT16, UINT32, INT32 and FLOAT32.

  • TCP and RTU modes

  • Allows multiple slaves instantiation

  • Configurable TCP port when operating over TCP mode

  • Configurable serial port parameters when operating over RTU mode

  • Supports reconnection with master device(s) if a connection is lost

  • TCP mode supports connecting multiple masters to the same slave

  • TCP mode supports having multiple slaves with the same IP address and TCP port combination; in this scenario, the slave ID is used as the differentiator


  • Modbus ASCII is not supported

  • An OP3310 RS-232/422/485 PCIe serial card is needed in case it is required to communicate with multiple slaves on the same physical bus in RTU mode

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