DNP3 Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

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DNP3 Slave | Supported Features and Limitations

Supported Features

  • Read and write analog data points
  • Read and write binary data points
  • Unsolicited responses can be allowed
  • Event mode for analog and binary inputs can be configured
  • Operate over TCP/IP
  • Configurable network interface
  • Configurable DNP3 link addresses
  • Configurable scan period for analog and binary inputs
  • Binary output commands: control relay output block (CROB)


  • Only DNP3 slave endpoint is supported.
  • The indexes of the data points correspond to the order of their definition in the driver configuration, with the first signal starting at index 0.
  • A maximum of 10 analog outputs and 10 binary outputs are supported per slave.
  • RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 and UDP communication links are not supported (TCP/IP only).
  • The supported data types are analog inputs, analog outputs, binary inputs, binary outputs and double bit binary inputs.
  • The double bit binary inputs can have a value of 0, 1, 2 and 3, which are the only values that will be reflected on the DNP3 master.
  • CROB command parameters 'clear' and 'queue' are not supported.

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