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Solver Time Step Counter
This block is used to sequence solver's operations.
It provides two different counter values:
- A "Timer" value which is aimed to be used as the solver time step.
- A "Sequence" value which is aimed to be used as a secondary counter to manage the read/write operations of the solver.
Mask Parameters
MaxCountTime : Value that the time step counter will have to count to.
LoopCountTime : Value to reset to once the count is done.
StartCountSequence : Time value at which we start the count sequence ; this will also toggle the Double Buffer bit.
MaxCountSequence : Value that the sequence counter will have to count to. It will stall to that count and wait for the MaxCount of the timer to start again.
SlaveMode : This will set the solver in slave mode.
Reset : Reset all counts (time and sequence counters) to zero.
FrameSync : If in slave mode, this will launch a new time step if the solver is ready for a new step.
Enable : Enable the time counter and the sequence counter. (Boolean)
TimerValue : This is to time the time step of the solver. (UFIX16_0)
SequenceCount : This is to sequence all the operations of the solver. (UFIX10_0
DoubleBufferAddr : This is a bit that toogles between 0 and 1 that indictes where to read in memory (and we write at not(DoubleBufferBit)). (UFIX1_0)
FirstStep : This is a bit that is at 1 during the first step (to tell the solver to use the initial states). (UFIX1_0)
NewSequence : A bit that flags the start of a new sequence (synchronized with sequenceCount = 0). (UFIX1_0)
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