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CPU stubline configuration
This block is used to configure 16 stublines segments, either right, left, or a both. Stublines segments are placed in the eHS model using leftStubline or rightStubline blocks. Configuration in the eHS block must match the one in this block.
Stubline segment can be used to decouple two circuit by introducing and artificial delay. This delay results in two small shunt-capacitors for an inductor stubline, and two small series-inductors for a capacitor stubline.
Mask Parameters
eHS sampling time: This is set to the same sampling time than eHS. In case of multirate simulation, the larger sampling time should be used.
Back and forth latency: This is the required time for a measurement to be sent from the first stubline segment to the second one, and from the second stubline segment back to the first one. This should be calculated experimentaly since it may vary depending of the circuit size, desired sampling time, and if one or two eHS are used.
Stubline Tabs
Current measurement: This is used to choose which measurement from eHS is used. It can be found in the output list under leftStubline\Current or rightStubline\Current.
Voltage measurement: This is used to choose which measurement from eHS is used. It can be found in the output list under leftStubline\Voltage or rightStubline\Voltage.
Component type: This is used to choose if the stubline segment should be an inductor or a capacitor.
Component value: This is component value in SI.
Configuration Tab
Controller name: Links this block to an OpCtrl block by entering the same 'Controller Name' as specified in the OpCtrl block. The OpCtrl block controls initialization of the settings of one specific FPGA-based card in the system.
LoadIn port number: This should reflect the LoadIn port used to configure the block on the FPGA.
Sampling time: This value is the sampling time of the simulation.
This block has no input
The Status output returns the following values:
Value | Description |
0 | No error. |
-1 | Block could not be matched with an OpCtrl block (check the 'controller Name' value), or card initialization problem. |
-2 | Internal memory initialization problem. |
Characteristics and limitations
Direct Feedthrough | N/A |
Discrete sample time | YES |
XHP support | YES |
Work offline | NO |
If you require more information, please contact
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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