Digital Output Mapping

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Digital Output Mapping


Table of Contents


This block is used to map multiple digital sources to one digital output.


Controller Name: This parameter should match the corresponding controller name of the OpCtrl.

LoadIn Port Number: This parameter should be the one that get be found in the firmware documentation to configure the LoadIn port of the feature.

Sampling Time: This value should match the sampling time of the CPU model.

Invert Polarity: This parameter allows to invert the logic of the signal to make it active high or active low.

Source Lane: This value allows to configure one of the 8 source to be mapped to the digital output.

Signal Index: This value allows to configure one of the 32 signals from the respective source lane.


This block has no parameter.


This block has no parameter.

Characteristics and limitations

Direct FeedthroughN/A
Discrete sample timeYES
XHP supportYES
Work offlineNO

If you require more information, please contact https://www.opal-rt.com/contact-technical-support/.

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