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CPU Power Measurement Configuration - efs_Monitoring_cpuPowerBlock


Table of Contents


This CPU block is used to get the instantaneous power on FPGA target.

It can be used with :

  • SPS workflow

  • Schematic Editor with S-Function workflow only

The firmware under use must have the RMS feature.


Communication is done between CPU and FPGA as follow :

  • CPU → FPGA : Through the given LoadIn port specified in the Mask Parameters, the CPU transmits to the Power Measurement FPGA addon on which eHS outputs to perform calculation 

  • FPGA → CPU : Through the given DataOut port specified in the Mask Parameters, the FPGA transmits to the CPU Power Measurement Configuration block the results of computation

These port numbers are specified both in the firmware documentation and in the .conf file associated to the firmware.

Mask Parameters

Current Indices: One based vector where values are corresponding to eHS CPU block outputs indexes. These signals will be multiplied and accumulated one by one with the signal of Voltage Indices having the same index in the vector.

Voltage Indices: One based vector where values are corresponding to eHS CPU block outputs indexes. These signals will be multiplied and accumulated one by one with the signal of Current Indices having the same index in the vector.


Controller Name: Name of the OpCtrl Controller name which defines the FPGA by which the feature is provided.

LoadIn port number [1..32]: LoadIn port number of the feature. Specified both in the firmware documentation and in the .conf file associated to the firmware.

DataOut port number [1..32]: DataOut port number of the feature. Specified both in the firmware documentation and in the .conf file associated to the firmware.


PowerMeasurements: A vector with the same size as Current Indices and Voltage Indices where each value corresponding to : 


Where : 

  • i is the index in the PowerMeasurements,Current Indices and Voltage Indices vectors

  • n is the number of eHS FPGA timesteps where the accumulation of product is performed between two CPU timesteps

  • CurrentIndiceAssociatedSignal is the eHS output signal with the index specified in Current Indices at index i

  • VoltageIndiceAssociatedSignal is the eHS output signal with the index specified in Voltage Indices at index i


Example : 

On the picture the eHS outputs are numbered in red, meaning : 

  • CurrentIndiceAssociatedSignal would be [i1 i2 i2] based on the selection in Current Indices

  • VoltageIndiceAssociatedSignal would be [v1 v2 i2] based on the selection in Voltage Indices

When used with eHS_SE_Sfunction_Drivers, it is possible not to connect an eHS output to Simulink, this implies that eHS outputs indexes can be shifted


At any time you can see all the eHS outputs in the Build Report Tab of eHS_SE_Sfunction_Drivers with zero based indices even if not visible as output of the block.


In this case, the PowerMeasurements output vector will be : 


Config: This output displays the configuration stream to send to the feature to configure it. It reflect the user index selection of Mask Parameters.

Status: This output displays the status of the LoadIn port used for the feature configuration. The block is ready when Status signal drops to 0.

If you require more information, please contact

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