Induction Machine With Saturation block

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Induction Machine With Saturation block


Table of Contents

Component Description

Opal-RT Induction Machines with Saturation - This block allows to simulate up to 4 machines with their mechanical model, resolver, and encoder. The following machines are supported, and can be configured from the CPU model.

  • Squirrel Cage Induction Machine with Saturation (SCIM with Saturation)

  • Doubly Fed Induction Machine with Saturation (DFIM with Saturation)

It is not allowed to use this block along with the induction machine without saturation.

Mask Parameters

This block has no parameter.


eHS_FLWS: Frame-based Lightweight Serial Protocol (FLWS) port which allows to receive data from the eHS.
There are three (3) signals in the bus:

  • Data. Data type is XFloat_8_34.

  • Valid. Data type is UFix_1_0.

  • Last. Data type is UFix_1_0.

AnalogIn_FLWS: Frame-based Lightweight Serial Protocol (FLWS) bus port which allows to send analog input to the resolvers part of the model.
There are three (3) signals in the bus:

  • Data. Data type is XFloat_8_24.

  • Valid. Data type is UFix_1_0.

  • Last. Data type is UFix_1_0.

DataIn: This port allows to send data (one soft reset, and then torque load, enable mechanical model, and speed for all four motors) to the mechanical model. Port data type is UFix_33_0.

DataIn_SOF: This port is the Start of Frame signal of the DataIn port. Port data type is UFix_1_0.

LoadIn: This port allows the configuration of the block when using a specific configuration structure. The LoadIn signal should be connected to a RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_33_0.

LoadIn_SOF: This port is the Start of Frame signal of the RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_1_0.

Reset: This port clears the motor configuration and state-variables.

Machine Outputs

DataOut: Output UFix_33_0 which should be connected to a DataOut block, configured to received data asynchronously. Depending on the number of machine used, between 1 to 4, 29 to 116 measurement will be sent to the CPU. The bit 33 is the valid signal, and the 32 lsb are a XFloat_8_24 .

The measurement are sent as follow:

  1. Vsd, Direct stator voltage in the stationary frame.

  2. Vsq, Quadrature stator voltage in the stationary frame.

  3. Vrd, Direct rotor voltage in the stationary frame.

  4. Vrq, Quadrature rotor voltage in the stationary frame.

  5. Phisd, Direct stator flux in the stationary frame.

  6. Phisq, Quadrature stator flux in the stationary frame.

  7. Phird, Direct rotor flux in the stationary frame.

  8. Phirq, Quadrature rotor flux in the stationary frame.

  9. Isα, Direct stator current in the stationary frame.

  10. Isβ, Quadrature stator current in the stationary frame.

  11. Irα, Direct rotor current in the stationary frame.

  12. Irβ, Quadrature rotor current in the stationary frame.

  13. Isd, Direct stator current in the rotating frame.

  14. Isq, Quadrature stator current in the rotating frame.

  15. Ird, Direct rotor current in the rotating frame.

  16. Irq, Quadrature rotor current in the rotating frame.

  17. isa, First stator phase current.

  18. isb, Second stator phase current.

  19. isc, Third stator phase current.

  20. ira, First rotor phase current.

  21. irb, Second rotor phase current.

  22. irc, Third rotor phase current.

  23. Torque, Electrical torque.

  24. w, Motor speed in rpm.

  25. thetam, Mechanical rotor angle p.u.

  26. Resolver sin, sin waveform from the resolver.

  27. Resolver cos, cos waveform from the resolver.

  28. Resolver carrier, carrier waveform from the resolver.

  29. Theta Refence Frame¹, Reference frame selected with offset angle p.u.

¹ User is allowed to chose 3 possible reference frames: stator flux, the rotor flux, or the air-gap flux.

Note that for the synchronous machine, field current is mapped to ira, where irb, and irc should be ignored.

MotorOutputs (eHS_Feedback_FLWS): Frame-based Lightweight Serial Protocol (FLWS) bus port which allows to send feedback currents from the induction machine with saturation core. The FLWS bus will have between 6 and 24 data depending the number of machines used.
There are three (3) signals in the bus:

  • Data. Data type is XFloat_8_34.

  • Valid. Data type is UFix_1_0.

  • Last. Data type is UFix_1_0.

The measurement are sent as follow, then it is repeated for the second, third, and fourth machine:

  1. isa, first phase current on stator.

  2. isb, second phase current on stator.

  3. isc, third phase current on stator.

  4. ira, first phase current on rotor.

  5. irb, second phase current on rotor.

  6. irc, third phase current on rotor.

AnalogOut_FLWS: Frame-based Lightweight Serial Protocol (FLWS) bus port which allows to send analog output. Has the same structure and contains the same data as DataOut but is triggered automatically by an internal logic.

Encoders: Output bus containing the variables from the four encoders.
The variables are the following, and are repeated for each encoder (1, 2, 3, 4):

  • A, A signal. Data type is UFix_1_0.

  • B, B signal. Data type is UFix_1_0.

  • Z, Z signal. Data type is UFix_1_0.


Characteristics and limitations

Direct Feedthrough


Discrete sample time


XHP support


Work offline



If you require more information, please contact https://www.opal-rt.com/contact-technical-support/.

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