FPGA Power Measurement

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FPGA Power Measurement


Table of Contents


This block is used to compute instantaneous power on the FPGA target. This block receives serial inputs representing the measurements received from the eHS core. The current and voltage pairs are selected via indices specified by the CPU Power Measurement Configuration block.

Mask Parameters

Number of Power Computations: This parameter sets the number of power measurements to compute. This value must be between 1 and 64.

Block ID: This parameter is a positive integer used to identify the Power Measurement block. The value specified here must match the associated CPU Power Measurement Configuration block. The default value is 0.


Serial Input (FLWS): This input is a serial stream representing the voltage and current measurements. It is meant to be connected to eHS FLWS output or any FLWS compatible source.

LoadIn: This signal must be connected to a Cfg_IN port of the LoadIN block located in the rtxsg_communication Simulink library. The Cfg_IN port number must match the LoadIn block number associated to the CPU Power Measurement Configuration block. This input is used to set the mapping of the current and voltage measurements, as well as the number of power computations the will be executed in the block.

SofIN: This signal must be connected to a SofIN port of the LoadIN block located in the rtxsg_communication Simulink library. The SofIN port number must match the LoadIn block number associated to the CPU Power Measurement Configuration block. This input is used to signal the start of frame of the configuration stream.


DataOutAverage: This output is meant to be connected to a DataOUT port in fifo mode. It streams the power calculated values averaged for the last CPU time step.

FLWS: This output is streaming the Power calculated values as they are processed in order to used them inside the FPGA.

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