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Mechanical Model Block
This block implements two separate mechanical models. Each model implements static friction (deadzone), inertia (internal gain) and fluid friction (proportional gain). The mask of the block allows to choose the mechanical model's param ID as well as the FPGA period.
Mask Parameters
FPGA period: This parameter sets the FPGA period.
LoadIn: This port allows the configuration of the block when using a specific configuration structure. The LoadIn signal should be connected to a RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_33_0.
LoadIn_SOF: This port is the Start of Frame signal of the RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_1_0.
User_block_index: This port allows multiple mechanical model feature to be connected on the same LoadIn RT-XSG port and using separate parameter sets. If more than one mechanical model block are inside the same model, they will need different block indices. Port data type is UFix_4_0.
Torque: The torque command sent to the mechanical model. There is two torque input, one for each of the two individual mechanical models in the block. This parameter usually comes from the motor torque calculated in the motor model. Port data type is XFloat_8_24.
Enable torque: The torque enable signal which dictates which of the two torques is being sent to the mechanical models. Only one of the two enable torque inputs can be set to true at a time, they cannot be on at the same time. In order to use both mechanical models simultaneously, a pulse signal must be sent to each input with a slight delay between one another. Port data type is Boolean.
Torque load: The torque load applied on the mechanical model. This load is subtracted to the torque command sent to the mechanical model. Port data type is XFloat_8_24.
Enable mechanical model: This input sets whether or not to use the specified mechanical model. If the port is set to false, the CPU speed command will bypass the model's calculation and go straight to the speed output. Port data type is Boolean.
Speed: The speed to be outputted if the mechanical model is not enabled. Provides a passthrough feature to the mechanical model. The speed input can also be used as a initial speed before enabling the mechanical model. Port data type is XFloat_8_24.
Solver_reset: This input provides a reset signal port to reset the solver to initial values. Port data type is Boolean.
Reset: This input provides a hard reset signal port to reset the solver and the parameters to their initial values. Port data type is Boolean.
Speed per unit: The speed converted in per units based on the machine's parameters. The speed per unit port is to be connected to a 46 bits integrator to generate a fix point angle. Port data type is Fix_32_0.
Speed: The speed of the motor. The speed is either calculated by the mechanical model using the motor parameters and model inputs or directly fed through from the CPU speed input. Port data type is XFloat_8_24.
Total torque: The torque command minus the torque load after the static friction. Port data type is XFloat_8_24.
Characteristics and limitations
Direct Feedthrough | NO |
Discrete sample time | YES |
XHP support | N/A |
Work offline | YES |
If you require more information, please contact
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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