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Digital Output Mapping - efsXsgDigitalOutputMapping


Table of Contents


This block is used to map multiple digital sources to one digital output.

It receives up to 8 words of 32 bits that can be mapped to any of the 32 outputs bits.

The configuration is sent from the CPU, where mapping and polarity can be configured.


loadIn: This port allows the configuration of the block when using a specific configuration structure. The LoadIn signal should be connected to a RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_33_0.

loadInSof:This port is the Start of Frame signal of the RT-XSG LoadIn port. Port data type is UFix_1_0.

reset: This input must be a Bool signal. When active, the internal configurations are reset to their initial condition.

Input 0-7: These inputs must be connected to a UFix32_0.


Output: This output UFix32_0 to be connected to digital output block .

Characteristics and limitations

Direct FeedthroughNO
Discrete sample timeYES
XHP supportN/A
Work offlineYES

If you require more information, please contact

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323