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Resolver Out
This block generates output resolver signals: modulated sine and cosine, sine and cosine envelop and motor angle.
These signals can then be sent to an analog output module (see OP5330 DAC IFblock) and be sent to an external device with fast-sampling precision.
Reset Angle (rad) | Used to reset angle when one complete round is done by the rotor. It also determines the initial angle of the rotor. This parameter must be between 0 and 2π. |
Angle Resolution(bits width) | Shows the depth of the SinCos table. Currently set at 14 bits deep (cannot be changed). |
Sin-Cos table width (power of 2) | Determines the width of Sin table used for internal carrier signal build. Currently set at 18 bits width (cannot be changed). |
CarrierSelect | Chooses between the internal carrier and external carrier coming from Analog In module. Its format is UFix1_0. |
CarrierFreqIntegrationFactor | Internal carrier frequency coming from the CPU model. Its format is UFix32_24. This input is a factor of the real value. The value at the input is the carrier frequency multiplied by 10x10^-9 (tsfpga) and 2^18 (integrator output maximum value). |
CarrierAmp | Internal carrier amplitude coming from the CPU model. Its format is Fix16_11. |
SinAmp | Amplitude (coming from CPU model) of the generated modulated sine signal. Its format is UFix16_11. |
SinBias | Bias (coming from CPU model) of the generated modulated sine signal. Its format is Fix16_11. |
CosAmp | Amplitude (coming from CPU model) of the generated modulated cosine signal. Its format is UFix16_11. |
CosBias | Bias (coming from CPU model) of the generated modulated cosine signal. Its format is Fix16_11. |
SpeedIntegrationFactor | Speed coming from the CPU model. Its format is Fix32_25. This input is a factor of the real value. The value at the input is the speed multiplied by 10x10^-9 (tsfpga) and 2^18 (integrator output maximum value). |
ExtCarrier | External carrier coming from Analog In module. Its format is Fix16_10. |
Alpha | Cosine of the phasing between the modulated sine signal and modulated cosine signal. This input comes from the CPU model. Its format is Fix18_16. |
Beta | Sine of the phasing between the modulated sine signal and modulated cosine signal. This input comes from the CPU model. Its format is Fix18_16. |
Note about the Integration Factors: The Integration Factors are used to generate an angle of the motor's rotor. The method of calculation is based on a single addition block loopback on itself. The natural overflow from the addition of free runs produces a sawtooth wave between 0 and (2^18)-1. This is why you must factor the carrier frequency and speed.
Carrier | Carrier (either internal or external) used for modulated signals generation is the internal carrier frequency coming from CPU model. Its format is Fix16_11. |
SinRES | Resolver modulated sine. Its format is Fix16_11. |
CosRES | Resolver modulated cosine. Its format is Fix16_11. |
Theta | Equivalent normalized speed angle. Its format is UFix18_18. |
Sin | Resolver sine envelope. Its format is Fix16_11. |
Cos | Resolver cosine envelope. Its format is Fix16_11. |
Characteristics and Limitations
This block has no specific characteristics or limitations.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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